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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


Staying on Track in Step 3!

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staying-on-track  Hi it’s me again, Maria one of the wellness coaches here at ITG Diet. I am just doing a follow up to my earlier testimonial blog about my journey with the ITG Diet Plan. I have been successful on step 3 maintenance with proper eating and exercise. One thing I notice is that it is always a thinking game…the maintenance part of a healthy lifestyle. If you’re really going to eat right and be conscious of everything you put in your mouth then you got to always think. Is this good for me? Does it have enough protein?  How much sugar is in it?

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This is my story and I'm sticking to it!

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Laurel-Beatty   My husband, Mike, wrote a blog recently that explained how we entered the weight loss business and referred to my personal experience with the program.  Surprisingly, Mike’s account of how we got into this market is accurate.  It’s a bit personal for me so I was sensitive to what he was saying.  Yet, he’s right… I did lose weight fast, I did notice remarkable improvements in my menopausal symptoms and I was amazed with the results I experienced when I started the ketonic body program to lose weight based on science instead of emotion.

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All the single ladies!

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Happy Valentine’s Day to all my “single ladies” dieters!
I want you all to know that building a network of friends and a community of followers among the diet community gives me as much pleasure as losing weight does.  My Valentine this year is ITG Diet!  What a Blessing ITG Diet has been to me.  I thank God every day for the new love of my life! I love ITG Diet!  I know this year my Valentine will give me the best Valentine’s Day gift ever.

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Understanding Emotional Eating

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Emotional Eating     I figured with my son leaving for US Air Force I should start preparing for empty nest syndrome. (Empty nest syndrome is a feeling of grief and loneliness parents or guardians may feel when their children leave home for the first time, such as to live on their own or to attend a college or university.  It is not a clinical condition).   A very close relative to Empty Nest Syndrome is Emotional Eating.  I can already see myself being weak and falling off my low carb diet.  My son is my rock, it’s been me and him for 18 years, now it’s just me.  Will I make it? I want to succeed, but our emotions are very powerful.  You know what they say “Keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer.”   Time to do some research and study this new enemy in my life.   Where to start? ITG Diet Health Article  “Are you an emotional eater?” 

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Thank you for being a part of that journey

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itg-diet-messageSome of you know me while many more of you know my wife, Laurel.  Those who know us can see that we’re passionate about ITG Diet and often wonder why we focused our business on health issues related to weight control.  Passionate is the right word for it because we entered this industry for personal health reasons. 

We’d both struggled with our weight as we worked our way through middle-age even though we were in the medical industry where, one would think, we’d have the advantage of readily available knowledge to guide us in weight control.  It turned out that the myths, false claims and magic promises were as confusing to the medical professionals as they were to the rest of us.  Then we purchased an integrative medical clinic in 2005 and saw how the medical providers on the inside viewed overall health and weight control.  The messages these professionals receive is an array of some old school and outdated philosophies, some new wave unproven ideas, many false promise and a little bit of science.  The science attracted us.

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