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10 Pounds in 28 Days – Can I do it?

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weight-loss-goal I received my first letter from my son at Basic Military Training, he said he is going to try his best to make Honor Graduate to make me proud of him.  I replied to him (by mail) that I was going to try to reach my goal weight prior to graduation to make him proud of me.  If this doesn’t motivate me to lose this last 10 pounds nothing will.  Graduation is April 4, exactly 4 weeks from today.  I have lost a total of 20.8 pounds since January 6 which is 9 weeks on ITG Diet.  These great results didn’t include any exercising.  Time to step it up and add exercise into the mix of this diet. 

I have set a goal for myself to exercise 30 min 5 days a week.  So far I only see myself walking for 30 min but I will hopefully build up to more strenuous cardio like Zumba sooner than later.  I will also turn to ITG Diet Body Basics for some fun tips and tricks to keep the exercise fun so I will keep it up. To find this log in and go to the connect tab and drop down to member resources the side bar says "body basics".


The most important reason to exercise is to strengthen your heart.  Whenever you exert yourself (even walking upstairs) your heart pumps extra oxygen-rich blood throughout your body.  Since muscles need oxygen rich blood the stronger your heart, the stronger your muscles.  However, research shows that people who exercise feel happier and more positive about themselves.  So, a daily exercise routine will help me in more than one way. 

I also know that with the added exercise I will be burning extra calories so I will need to add some extra protein to my daily intake, like another ITG non-limited food or maybe some egg whites on my work-out days. I am a happy dieter!

Tina Sly

Week # 9 loss 2 pounds


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