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Maria - ITG Wellness Coach

Maria from ITG Diet shares her personal stories and weight loss tips in the ITG Diet blog.

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Maria has a background in the health and beauty industries for over 15 years that ranges from owning her own health food store to running laser hair removal centers. She helps people make positive changes in their lives with the ITG Diet online. She enjoys helping dieters reach their goals and seeing them live happy, healthy lives. It took me 26 weeks, but I lost a total of 53 pounds and 7% body fat...my BMI even went down 7.5 points. I actually went down 6 SIZES.



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Super Supplements From ITG     Hi Everyone!  It’s Maria again here to do a follow up on our SUPER Supplements! If you have not tried these products yet…WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Thermo Tonic and Crave Support are just amazing! To be fair, I’m not very objective about these products because I was one of the people in our office that beta-tested them before we actually added the two supplements to our line. So I can tell you from personal experience that I LOVE THEM!!!!  

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Great Ways to Stay Motivated and on Track During Summertime!

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Happy-4th      When you’re packing your gear for the beach, starting up your grill or doing something else fun this summer, you might feel a lack of motivation in sticking to your diet/healthy lifestyle. The good news is summertime is the best season for fresh vegetables and opportunities to exercise outdoors.

These five ideas will help you stick to your healthy lifestyle change and goals:

Enjoy Fresh, Fun Outdoor Meals

Summer is a great time to have a picnic. You can put blankets in your backyard for an al fresco meal. For a picnic in the park, you can pack a wide variety of crunchy vegetables, chilled soups, a big salad, and a protein/cold cut lettuce wrap. 

And while you're at it, why not prepare a refreshing ITG beverage to enjoy with your meal? While on Step One, serve our Wild Berry Drink Mix or Strawberry Banana Shake. After your meal, play an outdoors game with your family or friends; it's a great way to squeeze in some exercise after a meal, get in touch with nature, and socialize.

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The student became the inspiration…

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fell-off-diet-wagon I recently fell off the wagon because of various social engagements so I wasn’t following Step 3 like I should have been. I realized that I had put on 12lbs! I saw my fellow wellness coach Tina Sly losing weight steadily every week and looking fabulous. I thought to myself what I am doing? “Besides the fact that summer is right around the corner and I want to still look good in my pink and white striped bathing suit.  I need an ITG Diet Tune Up before this gets out of control. So that’s exactly what I did 3 weeks ago.  I started back on Step One so I could reel it in and cut the carbs and start losing these extra LBS!”

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Staying on Track in Step 3!

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staying-on-track  Hi it’s me again, Maria one of the wellness coaches here at ITG Diet. I am just doing a follow up to my earlier testimonial blog about my journey with the ITG Diet Plan. I have been successful on step 3 maintenance with proper eating and exercise. One thing I notice is that it is always a thinking game…the maintenance part of a healthy lifestyle. If you’re really going to eat right and be conscious of everything you put in your mouth then you got to always think. Is this good for me? Does it have enough protein?  How much sugar is in it?

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I'm bringing sexy back

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Yes, this was me I may be smiling in that before picture but I am not happy. Overweight, uncomfortable and not feeling good about myself at all. I guess I had to get to the point where I was disgusted completely, disgusted in order to do something about it. I woke up one day and said THAT’S IT!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! What am I going to keep packing on the pounds and getting more unhealthy? I promised myself from that day forward I would only do good for myself and my body and I was going to lose weight and bring sexy back!!!!

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