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The ITG Diet blog delivers informative weight loss tips, health resources and nutritional information to help you along your weight loss journey.

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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


Why's It Gotta Be "Fat"?

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fat-tuesday-itg-diet-styleToday is Fat Tuesday! I’m sure we all wish it could be called Skinny Tuesday...but that’s no reason to fall off the wagon and crash your diet! Mardi Gras is known for the festivities, the beads, and especially the food and drinks.

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REBOOT Your Resolution!

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Weight loss is a challenge. Living a healthy lifestyle and developing new habits can be really tough. And New Year's Resolutions aren't usually fun for very long. Last year is now in the past, so let's look forward to the future and reach those goals this year!

Did you make a 2024 resolution to lose weight, get in shape, and change your eating habits, challenging yourself to the max? If you have fallen short of your goals, had a tough time making changes, or just felt like you're at a standstill, a REBOOT is for you.


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The Reality of Weight Loss

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consistency,key,itg,diet,weight,loss,ketosis,keto,weightloss,graph,chart,resultsHave you had one of those weeks when you feel as though you did everything right, but the numbers on your scale seem to tell you otherwise? Did you see the pounds increase or stay the same? Water percentage and fat percentages rising and falling with no apparent rhyme or reason?

If you are charting your progress, you'll tend to see some strange fluctuations with your weight loss from week to week. What might be happening, and why?

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What's Your Resolution?

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whats-your-resolutionReady to reach your goal weight in the new year? ITG is here to help you get there in 2025! Many of us have gained weight these past few years due to the Covid-19 outbreak, being at home more often, and turning to unhealthy foods and drinks during bouts of stress eating. Have you made a resolution to be happier and healthier next year? Are you already on the ITG Diet Plan and need to make a resolution to help keep yourself on track to reaching your goals?

So you haven't started a diet plan just yet and are planning to start one in the coming weeks. We know there are many choices out there. In today's world of quick fixes, pills and shots, bad advice posted all over the internet, and crash diets to lose weight as quickly as possible, it may seem like a very tough choice. From my own personal experience, the ITG Diet Plan is the only one with coaches who will actually educate you on how foods are processed in your body and monitor your progress each week. It definitely was the only diet that really worked for me and allowed me to keep those extra pounds off!

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Join the ITG Diet Slim Down Challenge!

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 Do you want to look and feel great in 2025?

Are you ready to get rid of those extra pounds and inches?

Is it time to get motivated to work on your New Year's Resolution, and see REAL RESULTS this coming year??


Join the ITG Diet Slim Down Challenge!

First Weigh-in: Week of Monday-Friday, January 6-10

Final Weigh-in: Week of Monday-Friday, February 17-21


We're sweetening the competition with FREE ITG Foods!

1st Place: $100 of ITG Foods

2nd Place: $50 of ITG Foods

3rd Place: $25 of ITG Foods

All Participants Receive a $10 ITG Gift Certificate!


How To Register

Please call Coach Joe at 727-641-1679 or click here to email Joseph@ITGdiet.com to register for the ITG Slim Down Challenge. You must register on or before January 5th, 2025 to participate. 

During the Challenge 

Each week, beginning on January 6th, 2024, you will take a picture of your feet on your scale at home, and text it to 727-641-1679 or email to Joseph@ITGdiet.com. You must submit your new photo by each Friday to be eligible. If you will be out of town or unable to weigh at any time, please get in touch with Coach Joe immediately to arrange for an alternate day. 

Weekly Tracking 

To make the competition fair for everyone, ITG will use "percentage of body weight lost" for tracking, rather than number of pounds lost. The highest percentages lost by February 21st, 2025, will be tallied and winners announced the following week!


Winner's Results 

After all results are received on February 21st, 2025, ITG will contact the winners for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. We will get in touch via phone and/or email to give you more information on redeeming your reward! All other participants will receive a $10 reward code via email!



ITG Diet adheres to strict HIPAA Privacy Standards. No photos or personal information will be used or shared with anyone without your express permission.

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