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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


Second Hand Health!

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mothers health

I arrived at my mother’s house about 1:30 to start prep work for our Mother’s Day healthy dinner.  Darel, my step-father jumped up to help.  He was slicing cucumbers for us to have for snacks while we played Chicken Foot, my new favorite domino game.  While we were playing he mentioned that he was experiencing a problem with his vision, it was kind of blurred.  I was very concerned and immediately started drilling him with questions.  Do you need to check your blood sugar?  Blood pressure?  Blurred vision is not something to mess around with, especially with a type 2 diabetic with heart stents.  He checked his blood pressure and it was extremely low 88/45.  He takes high blood pressure medication daily.  We put a call in to his Cardiologist to let him know what was going on and for him to advise us on any further action.  When the doctor called back and spoke to Dad he immediately started asking questions, just like I had.  This is when he told the doctor that he has changed his diet recently.  He quit eating fruit, started eating more veggie and healthy dinners.  The doctor told him this could be the culprit of this low blood pressure.  He advised him to only take one half of his high blood pressure medication the following day and follow up with his primary doctor.

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Shout out to my Mom for Mother's Day!

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mothers day Last week I experienced some great news.  My mother wanted to start ITG Diet!  She has seen 30 pounds fall off of me by just changing my eating habits, and she was ready to give it a try.  After the initial excitement wore off I began to realize I would be her Wellness Coach.  My excitement feeling changed to a bitter sweet feeling when I realized her success depends on me coaching or teaching her the program and her following my instructions (listening to me).  I have no problem coaching strangers and giving them some “tough love”, but my Mom? I know that weight loss will improve her health and will make her feel better.  So I just have to bite the bullet and Coach her as a dieter, not my Mom. (yeah, right)

Some of her first weeks comments about being on ITG Diet and my reply in red. 

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The student became the inspiration…

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fell-off-diet-wagon I recently fell off the wagon because of various social engagements so I wasn’t following Step 3 like I should have been. I realized that I had put on 12lbs! I saw my fellow wellness coach Tina Sly losing weight steadily every week and looking fabulous. I thought to myself what I am doing? “Besides the fact that summer is right around the corner and I want to still look good in my pink and white striped bathing suit.  I need an ITG Diet Tune Up before this gets out of control. So that’s exactly what I did 3 weeks ago.  I started back on Step One so I could reel it in and cut the carbs and start losing these extra LBS!”

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When you fall off a horse, you have to get back in the saddle.

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Get Back On The Horse!     I had big plans for my "vacation" eating schedule, see I planned to go off ITG Diet while I was in San Antonio for my sons Graduation from Basic Military Training United States Air Force.  The excuse I gave was that he had been deprived off all of his favorite foods for the past 8 1/2 weeks (just like me) and I wanted to make sure I got him all his favorites while I was in town, and  I decided I would join him.  I came up with this plan months ago, that's what helped me make it through the last 6 weeks on ITG Diet.  I went off of program for 2 weeks, I was only in San Antonio for 5 days but I planned in some time off program while at home.  Plus who can start a diet on a Wednesday, I needed a weekend off of program at home with my friends.  You know what that meant time for some Wine & Spirits.  Oh how I enjoyed eating drinking and being merry!  Until my belly started to hurt because I ate too much, and a hangover comes with fewer drinks than it did before.  My body has changed but my mind had no problem going back to BDT, before diet Tina.  This is what I went off program for? This is what I say I miss?  I'm sluggish, no energy or motivation what so ever.  I think its official...I fell off the horse.

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I didn't reach my first goal but I got very close!

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tina-before-and-after-picture    My goal weight was 150 lbs for my son’s graduation from Basic Military Training, United States Air Force,  April 4, 2014, an 8 1/2 week program that I think every young American should attend but that's another story.  My starting weight was 180.8 on January 6, 2014.  That’s a goal of 30.8 pounds in 13 weeks.  I didn't reach my goal but I did get very close.   My weight April 3, 2014 was 152.4 pounds, total loss 28.4 pounds, 2.4 pounds off from my first goal weight.  Did I fail?  Not at all, I proved to myself and you, that ITG Diet works and I can succeed at it.  And if I can succeed on this diet, anyone can succeed on it, including you.  Go ahead give it a try.

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