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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


I Am So Happy with The ITG Diet Plan!

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pat-young       If I can do this diet anyone can.  My daughter Tina is my coach.  She inspired me when she lost over 30 pounds, so I thought I can too.  My weight got so high I didn’t like looking in the mirror.  The first of March I got pneumonia and lost 10 pounds so I decided now is the time to start.  So far I have lost 45 pounds!  My husband is so happy!  I have never been able to stick with a diet.  My husband cooks recipes off the ITG website for us for dinner.  I am never hungry.  I went to a consignment shop and got a couple of knee pants, I have very few pants that fit any more. 

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Libido     We all know that excess weight has many health detriments and that lower weight is much healthier. Now, the newest information is that excess weight kills your libido. Yes, the one last, free, fun activity is in danger because of our diet and eating habits. Can you imagine putting down the Twinkie because you would like to have sex tonight? Now, I am not saying that starting a diet will help you to get great sex anytime you want it! What I am saying is that it surely won’t hurt and may very well help.

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When all else fails go for the big guns!

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tina-itg-diet-weight-loss     Check out this text I got from my son Travis. “Hey your diet is no carbs, no sugar right?”  I replied,  Low carbs, low sugar.   Our next phone conversation I asked him what all the diet questions were about.    He said there is a girl at his work that was talking about being on a diet and he tried to talk diet talk with her.  ITG diet talk, poor kid he hasn’t even been around since February and he is even preaching ITG!  The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  After trying to fight the diet fight, you know the one when the person you are talking to tells you that they know what they need to do to lose weight, and back in the day they lost so many pounds and blah blah blah.  He finally realized he couldn’t out talk a girl on a diet. 

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Why Sucralose Makes Sense?

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what-is-sucroloseITG has small amounts of sucralose in many of its products yet you can easily complete the program without ingesting any sucralose at all… because we have over 20 delicious products that contain absolutely no sucralose.  Our product variety philosophy includes a sucralose policy just like it includes a gluten free policy a limited carbohydrate policy a kosher policy and allergy policies.  In other words, ITG has a healthy way to complete our weight loss program for most people who have special dietary needs.  We’re aware that some of you may not be able to tolerate certain ingredients so we’ve been careful to provide a variety of foods for your convenience.  Just go to https://www.itgdiet.com/contact if you have ingredient questions.   

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diet-determination  It’s 9am Friday, and today is my check-in day. I just stepped off the TANITA scale in the office and I’m holding off on looking at the little slip of paper that the scale prints. It gives you a read-out of your weight, calculates body water and fat percentages, bone mass, visceral fat (the kind that wraps like a band around your organs and can be hard to get rid of), and BMI. After a less than perfect week, I was really hoping I had turned things around and made some progress this time.

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