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REBOOT Your Resolution!

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Weight loss is a challenge. Living a healthy lifestyle and developing new habits can be really tough. And New Year's Resolutions aren't usually fun for very long. Last year is now in the past, so let's look forward to the future and reach those goals this year!

Did you make a 2024 resolution to lose weight, get in shape, and change your eating habits, challenging yourself to the max? If you have fallen short of your goals, had a tough time making changes, or just felt like you're at a standstill, a REBOOT is for you.


What is your resolution?

You committed to a healthy lifestyle change.

You joined the gym and started working out.

You began to cut out sugary drinks and foods.

You read article after article about weight loss.

You tried losing weight all on your own.

After these first few weeks of 2024, are you more or less motivated to keep up the momentum? Are you seeing results you were hoping for? Did you find a routine you could stick to and are starting to feel better?

Many times the answer is "No." It's not realistic to expect major noticeable changes in just a few short weeks. That's why it's time to be ready. It's RESOLUTION REBOOT time! Let's take a look at some basic resolutions, and see what you will need to work on to begin the reboot process.

Committing to a healthy lifestyle change is a really broad concept, and doesn't give you any actual plan or pathway to success. It leaves doors wide open. It lets you adjust as you go, leaving some habits in place while changing others, which can change from week to week! Start with baby steps, changing one bad behavior at a time so you don't overwhelm yourself and give up too quickly. Set small, attainable goals.

Joining the gym and working out is great to help get in your physical activity, but did you know you can get your daily dose of exercise in the privacy of your own home? No need to wait in line for a machine or feel awkward in front of all those muscle heads. The best forms of exercise that you'll be able to stick with are fun activities that get your heart rate up, such as walking, biking, dancing, and swimming. Even playing with your kids or your dog in the back yard can provide you with an excellent workout! Walking, actually, does wonders for weight loss, along with other steady-state cardio activities. Remember, exercise is planned and is different from daily physical activity such as household chores or daily step counts (they still burn calories, but are not considered exercise.)

Cutting out sugary foods and drinks is a great start, but did you know there are even certain "healthy" foods that are packed full of sugar? They hide in plain sight and sabotage your progress! Fatty foods and certain meats can also hinder your progress. Do you know what foods work for weight loss and what will stall you out? ITG Coaches help you understand and then decide on the best food choices to aid you in your weight loss journey. You will finally start seeing some results!

Reading articles online about weight loss is a catch 22. While many "experts" (and we use that term loosely) contribute their advice in those online articles and news stories, that is exactly what it is: their personal advice. Even doctors and nutritionists are free to make their ideas and diet plans public, and what they preach depends on what they personally believe. The minute you read an article that says "you can eat this, it's good for weight loss!" you will always find another source that says "don't eat that, it's bad for weight loss!" Who do you believe? Who can you trust? Remember, ITG is based on real results, and actual human biological science. Your body is a big science experiment. Remember back in school when you did a science project? If you mess up the ingredients or the methods, the experiment will always go wrong, or give you very unexpected outcome! The same happens with the foods we eat.

Losing weight all on your own is possible, however having someone to be accountable to will make your journey that much easier, as well as much more successful! Whether you have a "diet buddy," support from a family member or friend, or you turn to an ITG weight loss coach, a support system needs to be in place to help you stay accountable to yourself, as well as to someone else. How many times have you found yourself saying, "Oh I'll cheat today and get started again on Monday..." And then you find yourself several Mondays down the line and a few pounds heavier? No one is there to say "Hey! We can get back on track and do this together!" Make sure you utilize your ITG Coach. We are here to help you reach your full weight loss potential and guide you in your journey.

ITG is medically supervised and offered by certified coaches who will teach you the proper way to lose weight on our modified ketogenic diet, and then teach you how you can keep that weight off for life. They will also be there for all 3 Steps of the ITG Diet Plan, making sure you learn exactly what to do when life happens, and a couple pounds come back here and there in the future. No need to stress or worry, you will know how to knock those pesky pounds off without letting them get out of control, ever again!


Are you ready to REBOOT?

Are you ready to reach your health and weight loss goal?

Do you want to rid yourself of those medications that are keeping your body going day to day?

Are you ready to say GOODBYE to those 2023 pounds... to thinking about dieting and weight loss every day, and finally create a new lifestyle for yourself that you can stick to? Maybe even get off medication? And... live longer?

ITG is the last diet you will ever need! Call your ITG Coach to get your RESOLUTION REBOOT underway, or email/call us here at ITG and we will connect you with a live coach, either in person or online! 727-641-1679, Joseph@ITGdiet.com.

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Joseph is Operations Director for ITG, a Certified ITG Coach for ITG Online, and also manages and coaches clients at ITG's flagship clinic, Slim Down St Pete. He lost over 75 pounds on the ITG Diet Plan, 10 inches from the waist and decreased body fat by over 20%.


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