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Laurel Beatty

Laurel Beatty

Laurel began her focus in the medical industry in 2001, building and selling software to medical clinics.   After selling that company in 2005 Laurel and her husband, Mike, purchased and operated the largest integrative medical clinic in the state of Florida. 

In 2006, the Beattys brought a popular ketonic body program into their medical clinic.  Laurel was the test subject to participate in the program and lost 20 pounds in 60 days, and kept it off...  (See her testimonial).   In that same year, Laurel worked with a team of other consultants to bring a new protein product line into the United States including the development of their sales force.  Laurel was instrumental in developing weight control collateral materials from the dieter level to the coach level to the clinic level. 

Building on Dr. DeCosmo’s weight loss plans the program now utilizes ITG protein foods along with customized supplements for a simpler 3 Step Weight Loss Plan.  Dieters enjoy the new variety of products and find the new program easy to follow.   It is very satisfying to be able to continue to help improve people’s health and quality of life.


How to shed 10 pounds quickly!

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Lose 10 Pounds Quickly! I was recently asked how a woman can easily shed 10 pounds quickly in a healthy manner.  Great question, yet those parameters will be difficult for most programs to meet.  From a scientific perspective there is only one program type that can meet those listed conditions of:  (1) easy, (2) drop 10 lbs, (3) quick, and (4) healthy.  One can lose weight on almost any diet yet doing so quickly and in a healthy way eliminates nearly all except a ketonic body program. 

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This One's For The Ladies

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womens,issues,period,menstruation,crampsWhile in ketosis on the ITG Diet as well as dealing with menstruation and all the issues that may go along with it, here are some things to expect. One thing to keep in mind: your period is still your period.

For the most part, your period is going to be your normal period while you're in ketosis. You might have some cravings, you might cramp, you might be light or heavy or early or late. All the same stuff you dealt with during menstruation pre-diet and you will probably continue to deal with now that you've changed your food lifestyle. That being said, there are a few issues we do see pop up from time to time and I will address them, in no particular order.

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My experience with Hot Flashes and the ITG Diet...

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laurel-beatty-itg-diet Several years ago I was on the ITG Diet..  The typical menopausal female..   Hot Flashes during the day, hot and cold sweats at night, irritability, lack of sleep… okay, maybe even a little “bitchy”…    After three weeks of being on the program the hot flashes were basically Gone.. Wow..  That is when Dr. John explained what I was going through..  Fast forward several years…   Now I notice that when I have too many carbs.. i.e… a couple glasses of wine, pizza, pasta or too many sweets.. that night I will have some mild hot flashes…    So in my case what I have learned is that carbs and sugars are directly related to my hot flashes.  For me, this is such a gift to be able to control them..   And yes, I did lose 20 pounds on the program and have maintained my weight.  I do a tune up about twice a year..   As I say, Keep that line in the sand..   if I gain back just a few pounds I get back on Step 1 of the diet..  And it works..   I am happier and healthier..  Even though I’m on the back side of 55, I feel much younger.

Laurel Beatty

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This is my story and I'm sticking to it!

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Laurel-Beatty   My husband, Mike, wrote a blog recently that explained how we entered the weight loss business and referred to my personal experience with the program.  Surprisingly, Mike’s account of how we got into this market is accurate.  It’s a bit personal for me so I was sensitive to what he was saying.  Yet, he’s right… I did lose weight fast, I did notice remarkable improvements in my menopausal symptoms and I was amazed with the results I experienced when I started the ketonic body program to lose weight based on science instead of emotion.

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