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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.



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Here it is January again, time for a New Year’s Resolution, again.  Weight Loss it is, again.  This year is going to be different, 2014 is going to be the year I lose weight and keep it off!  I am going to start the ITG Diet Weight Loss Plan the first Monday of the New Year, January 6th.

 After losing 34 pounds in 2010 I told myself, “You may never be smaller than this but you will never be larger!”  Three years later and 16 of the 34 pounds I lost have found its way back, just like a lost dog. Lol   I am so determined to be fully committed to the ITG Diet that I decided the best way to hold myself accountable is to use the buddy system.

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I'm bringing sexy back

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Yes, this was me I may be smiling in that before picture but I am not happy. Overweight, uncomfortable and not feeling good about myself at all. I guess I had to get to the point where I was disgusted completely, disgusted in order to do something about it. I woke up one day and said THAT’S IT!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! What am I going to keep packing on the pounds and getting more unhealthy? I promised myself from that day forward I would only do good for myself and my body and I was going to lose weight and bring sexy back!!!!

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