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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


Does Sleep Affect Your Diet?

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how-sleep-affects-your-dietI have tried several different methods to lose extra pounds over the years. Like many of you, I have changed my behaviors, eating habits, and joined gyms in order to look and, more importantly, feel better and healthier. Even when I thought as though I was doing everything right, something usually seemed a bit off for me. I still felt tired during the day and not as mentally sharp as I should have been. I wasn’t always motivated to get to the gym. I didn’t understand why I was living such a healthy lifestyle and my weight loss would hit a brick wall here and there. Why was I developing these negative feelings when everything I had read or seen told me I would be so much healthier and feel so much better if I followed a few simple steps?

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Olive Oil and Trans Fats

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olive-oil     Olive oil is full of heart-healthy unsaturated fats. Heart disease risk can decrease when using a monounsaturated olive oil instead of saturated fats, like lard. When frying foods with olive oil, the process may take away the health benefits of the oil when it forms other less healthy types of fats, which usually takes places in restaurant and commercial kitchens rather than typical home cooking.

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Closing In On the Goal

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Closing In On the Goal     It’s been three months since I started on the ITG Diet. Back at the end of August, I weighed 217 pounds, had a 36 inch waist, and felt generally unhealthy overall. I didn’t eat well, sleep well, and my body didn’t feel so great day to day. I was getting tired of buying large shirts and wearing baggy clothes all the time; nothing seemed to fit right on me. I didn’t feel good about myself or the way I looked anymore. There were many times I would glance at my reflection in a store window or a mirror and think to myself, “who is this guy? What happened to the old me?”

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Goal – Hot & Sexy Halloween Costume ... Check!!

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hot-and-sexy-halloween-costume-check      Ok, I will admit these may not be the hottest, sexiest costumes out there, but Miss Muffet was pretty risqué, even for me.  Little Miss Muffet was a loaner costume from a girlfriend and the 80’s costume was for a Bunco costume party earlier in the month.  When I was shopping for my 80’s outfit I tried on a costume that was one size fits all. 

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What’s All This Garbage about Detox?

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Detox Herbs We have read and seen it until we are sick.  It is almost as bad as political campaign ads! (Notice I said, “Almost!”)  What is the big deal about detoxification?  Why is it so important? Actually, there is some reasonable truth to getting the toxins out of our body.  After all, this is how Mother Nature works, take nutrients in and get rid of the toxins.

Ok then, we should all go out and buy 12 detox books, 47 detox supplements, maybe a gas powered Vitamix, join a detox group, start a small organic co-op, and build a small detox shrine in our garage, right?  Seems like a lot of the detox programs demand that much, don’t they?

Detox can be very simple and that is the best way because simple is easy to start and easy to sustain.

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