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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


Who needs to detox? I Do!

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detox-for-diet       My son was home for 21 days before moving to his first duty station in England.  Needless to say I wanted to make all his favorite dishes before he left.  This was not a good 21 days for my diet but I wouldn’t trade them for anything!  The 5-7 pounds I gained was well worth the good times we had while I gained them….but now that he is gone and getting situated at his new home I need to get back to taking care of me, and that starts with Detox!

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Is it too soon to think about Halloween?

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   Old Tina costume                                             New Tina costume

Not if you want a Hot Halloween costume it’s not!

I’ve always had to have costumes that were big to hide my fat.  This year is going to be different!  This year I want to find a hot, tighter fitting costume. LOL! I have been searching online for the perfect costume to order but I just can’t decide.  Any ideas?   I still have 16 pounds to lose to reach my final goal weight of 123.  I can’t believe I am really almost to my ideal body weight, what an amazing feeling it is and I’m not even there yet but I can see the light at the end of this weight loss tunnel.  Join me on this 3 month journey to lose my last 16 pounds which is an average of 1.6 pounds per week.  This is going to be a tough goal for me to reach…I’m going to have to really work at it!  Wish me luck!


Already lost a total of 41lbs in 22 weeks!

Tina Sly

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Super Supplements From ITG     Hi Everyone!  It’s Maria again here to do a follow up on our SUPER Supplements! If you have not tried these products yet…WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Thermo Tonic and Crave Support are just amazing! To be fair, I’m not very objective about these products because I was one of the people in our office that beta-tested them before we actually added the two supplements to our line. So I can tell you from personal experience that I LOVE THEM!!!!  

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Great Ways to Stay Motivated and on Track During Summertime!

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Happy-4th      When you’re packing your gear for the beach, starting up your grill or doing something else fun this summer, you might feel a lack of motivation in sticking to your diet/healthy lifestyle. The good news is summertime is the best season for fresh vegetables and opportunities to exercise outdoors.

These five ideas will help you stick to your healthy lifestyle change and goals:

Enjoy Fresh, Fun Outdoor Meals

Summer is a great time to have a picnic. You can put blankets in your backyard for an al fresco meal. For a picnic in the park, you can pack a wide variety of crunchy vegetables, chilled soups, a big salad, and a protein/cold cut lettuce wrap. 

And while you're at it, why not prepare a refreshing ITG beverage to enjoy with your meal? While on Step One, serve our Wild Berry Drink Mix or Strawberry Banana Shake. After your meal, play an outdoors game with your family or friends; it's a great way to squeeze in some exercise after a meal, get in touch with nature, and socialize.

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What Are Your Goals?     Last night I saw an old friend that I haven’t seen in a while.  She had heard through mutual friends about my weight loss success, but this is the first time she saw my transformation with her own eyes.  She asked the first question everyone asks, “How did you do it?”  I proceeded to tell her about the program.  She was very interested because, of course, she is on a “program” of her own, to lose weight fast (what woman isn’t?).   And she wanted to see how ITG compared to her “program.”  I get this all of the time, at first I get excited to help someone else feel the way I feel about myself and my success, then they start talking about why they couldn’t succeed on the ITG Diet.  Excuses.  First of all, most people use the cost as a crutch why they couldn’t succeed.  And the other top excuse I get is, I couldn’t stop drinking. 

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