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Dr. John DeCosmo

Dr. John DeCosmo

John DeCosmo, D.O. has been in practice since 1988 as an Osteopathic Physician and is Board Certified in Family Practice, however, he's focused his career on functional medicine and nutrition, with a particular emphasis on the treatment of metabolic syndrome, especially obesity. ITG delivers Dr. DeCosmo's program directly to the homes of the dieter.


The Soy Controversy

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soy-controversy Soy based food products have attracted some controversy.  There are past claims that soy protein is responsible for decreases in testosterone or that estrogen induces man breasts, and even that eating soy can cause cancer.  Most of this has been debunked yet there are always some pros and cons involved in any protein conversation.  Now that we’ve had the chance to analyze these claims it’s clear that soy protein is a good choice for weight loss and muscle growth.

The AHRQ concludes there is no evidence of a negative effect for either soy protein or isoflavones.  Soy products range from whole soy to fermented soy to the protein isolates which ITG uses and are in the group referenced positively by the AHRQ.

Soybeans were added to the American diet in various forms in the 1880s and today they’re used in countless food products around the world.  In the USA it’s hard to go a day without eating a soy product, just because of its abundance. 

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What’s All This Garbage about Detox?

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Detox Herbs We have read and seen it until we are sick.  It is almost as bad as political campaign ads! (Notice I said, “Almost!”)  What is the big deal about detoxification?  Why is it so important? Actually, there is some reasonable truth to getting the toxins out of our body.  After all, this is how Mother Nature works, take nutrients in and get rid of the toxins.

Ok then, we should all go out and buy 12 detox books, 47 detox supplements, maybe a gas powered Vitamix, join a detox group, start a small organic co-op, and build a small detox shrine in our garage, right?  Seems like a lot of the detox programs demand that much, don’t they?

Detox can be very simple and that is the best way because simple is easy to start and easy to sustain.

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Libido     We all know that excess weight has many health detriments and that lower weight is much healthier. Now, the newest information is that excess weight kills your libido. Yes, the one last, free, fun activity is in danger because of our diet and eating habits. Can you imagine putting down the Twinkie because you would like to have sex tonight? Now, I am not saying that starting a diet will help you to get great sex anytime you want it! What I am saying is that it surely won’t hurt and may very well help.

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Weight Loss Controls Hot Flashes

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weight-loss-and-hotflashes     There is, for the most part, a definitive association between less weight, less obesity and lower incidences of hot flashes.  Hot flashes go by the official name of Thermoregulatory Flushing and are associated with feeling very hot, profuse sweating and flushing of the skin, which is part of the body’s natural heat regulating mechanism.  The problem is that this natural heat regulation during menopausal hot flashes is somewhat out of control.   

Studies show that women with higher body mass index, meaning they are overweight or obese have worse hot flashes.  Research shows that weight loss provides an immediate effect by reducing hot flashes.  It’s also been shown that women who lose weight are twice as likely to have a reduction in hot flashes.  In one study, women were 1/3 more likely to have less symptoms for every eleven pounds lost.  A ketonic body diet is designed to help you lose those pounds, safely and very quickly.

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2014 Promises to be a Healthy One for My Patients

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dr-john-decosmo 2014 promises to be a healthy one for my patients.  I feel positive about the future because we keep moving toward factual medicine and we’re discarding many of the misunderstandings that persist in mainstream America today. 

While just about everyone knows that being overweight can lead to health problems there seems to be a disconnect on how best to get control of our weight in a healthy way.  This is where our weight loss program  comes into play.  You’ll often here ITG refer to the science behind the plan.  This science  is lacking in many other plans.  It turns out that just about every diet can make you lose weight, yet the questions become, “What weight did you lose?  Just fat?  Fat and muscle?”  Is it science based or is it a ploy to get you to buy their products?

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