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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


This is what 11 weeks on ITG Diet looks like!

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December 13, 2013                March 21, 2014
I wasn’t going to post any photos until my goal date picture of me and Travis at his Graduation April 4th.  But I couldn’t resist when I stumbled onto this photo that was taken December 12, 2013 for a FB post announcing my employment with ITG Diet.  The other picture was taken this morning March 21, 2014. 

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10 Pounds In 28 Days? (Update)

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over-the-diet-humpThis week’s loss 2 pounds…. I know as a wellness coach that the average woman loses 2-3 pounds a week on ITG Diet, a 2 pound loss is a good week.  But, (everyone’s got one) the dieter in me still seems to get a bit discouraged with the same 2 pound weekly loss.  My Wellness Coach, Maria, could tell I wasn’t as pleased with my weekly 2 pound loss, that’s when she suggested we update my measurements. 

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10 Pounds in 28 Days – Can I do it?

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weight-loss-goal I received my first letter from my son at Basic Military Training, he said he is going to try his best to make Honor Graduate to make me proud of him.  I replied to him (by mail) that I was going to try to reach my goal weight prior to graduation to make him proud of me.  If this doesn’t motivate me to lose this last 10 pounds nothing will.  Graduation is April 4, exactly 4 weeks from today.  I have lost a total of 20.8 pounds since January 6 which is 9 weeks on ITG Diet.  These great results didn’t include any exercising.  Time to step it up and add exercise into the mix of this diet. 

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Doctors are also ITG Dieters!

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esta-konberg-MDI have tried every kind of food and diet plan. I have had to watch my weight my entire life. I have always meticulously watched what I eat and have done many things such as Weight Watchers, HCG, etc. This last year I even tried going Vegan and gained 15 pounds, then tried juicing and gained 10 more pounds. It seemed whatever I did my weight kept going up. I did HCG but gained it back…been on weight watchers…with extremely slow weight loss. I became Vegan trying to be healthier (Forks over Knives theory) and it did the exact opposite for me. I gained 15 pounds and my blood sugar and cholesterol went up. I had become borderline diabetic.

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2014 Promises to be a Healthy One for My Patients

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dr-john-decosmo 2014 promises to be a healthy one for my patients.  I feel positive about the future because we keep moving toward factual medicine and we’re discarding many of the misunderstandings that persist in mainstream America today. 

While just about everyone knows that being overweight can lead to health problems there seems to be a disconnect on how best to get control of our weight in a healthy way.  This is where our weight loss program  comes into play.  You’ll often here ITG refer to the science behind the plan.  This science  is lacking in many other plans.  It turns out that just about every diet can make you lose weight, yet the questions become, “What weight did you lose?  Just fat?  Fat and muscle?”  Is it science based or is it a ploy to get you to buy their products?

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