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Doctors are also ITG Dieters!

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esta-konberg-MDI have tried every kind of food and diet plan. I have had to watch my weight my entire life. I have always meticulously watched what I eat and have done many things such as Weight Watchers, HCG, etc. This last year I even tried going Vegan and gained 15 pounds, then tried juicing and gained 10 more pounds. It seemed whatever I did my weight kept going up. I did HCG but gained it back…been on weight watchers…with extremely slow weight loss. I became Vegan trying to be healthier (Forks over Knives theory) and it did the exact opposite for me. I gained 15 pounds and my blood sugar and cholesterol went up. I had become borderline diabetic.

Out of total frustration I tried the ITG Diet Plan and amazingly started losing weight immediately.  In addition, I was never hungry on the plan. There were lots of tasty food choices and normal food during the day. I have to say the wide assortment of packaged foods has made this easy to do. I lost 50 pounds from January to July and have been on maintenance for the last 8 months.

I am happy to say I have not gained any weight back. I have never felt this good and it is now not a diet. I know what works for me. I know that eating high protein and low carb is my eating plan 95% of the time. I now know what I can eat to maintain this wonderful new metabolism .I think as we gain weight our metabolism shuts down. Once the weight starts coming off the metabolism wakes up and starts performing correctly. I just knew that with a family history of diabetes I wasn’t going to go down that path. I had to do everything possible to avoid that disease and I was desperate.

The program was easy to do and my grocery shopping bills greatly diminished since I knew what I could have each week. This program is so worth it and I feel my health was worth every bit of it. My fasting blood sugar is totally normal now and I am still 50 pounds lighter.

Thank you ITG Diet.,

Esta K, MD



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