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Goal – Hot & Sexy Halloween Costume ... Check!!

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hot-and-sexy-halloween-costume-check      Ok, I will admit these may not be the hottest, sexiest costumes out there, but Miss Muffet was pretty risqué, even for me.  Little Miss Muffet was a loaner costume from a girlfriend and the 80’s costume was for a Bunco costume party earlier in the month.  When I was shopping for my 80’s outfit I tried on a costume that was one size fits all. 

I thought for sure it was going to fit me perfectly and I would look amazing in it just like the pretty girl on the package.  NOT!  I did get the outfit over my head but it surely didn’t fit. I tried on one more outfit and it was also too tight.  That’s when I decided I was either going to have to spend a fortune on a costume or just wear one of the costumes I already have.  I wore the 80’s costume for Trunk or Treat at my church and then changed into Little Miss Muffet for my adult parties.  I almost talked myself out of wearing Miss Muffet costume, it was cold outside and I wasn’t going to be comfortable in that short dress. Then I told myself, this was your goal! You achieved it! Now wear it!  So here they are, my Hot & sexy Halloween costumes for 2014!


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