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I Am So Happy with The ITG Diet Plan!

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pat-young       If I can do this diet anyone can.  My daughter Tina is my coach.  She inspired me when she lost over 30 pounds, so I thought I can too.  My weight got so high I didn’t like looking in the mirror.  The first of March I got pneumonia and lost 10 pounds so I decided now is the time to start.  So far I have lost 45 pounds!  My husband is so happy!  I have never been able to stick with a diet.  My husband cooks recipes off the ITG website for us for dinner.  I am never hungry.  I went to a consignment shop and got a couple of knee pants, I have very few pants that fit any more. 

My husband tells me every day how good I am looking.  He is diabetic and because of my diet he is off almost all his medicine due to him cooking healthy lean protein meals ITG approved.  I am off some of my medicines too, and hoping to be off more of them as I continue to lose weight.  My doctor is so proud of me, she even asked me if she could give my contact info to some of her patients who need to lose weight.   My husband and I also joined the YMCA and I go to an aerobic swim class 4 days a week.  It can be done.  This diet works, I am proof of that.

By Pat Young


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Pat Young is a guest blogger and Tina Sly's mom. They have both been very successful on the ITG Diet Plan.


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Guest Monday, 10 March 2025
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