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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


This One's For The Ladies

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womens,issues,period,menstruation,crampsWhile in ketosis on the ITG Diet as well as dealing with menstruation and all the issues that may go along with it, here are some things to expect. One thing to keep in mind: your period is still your period.

For the most part, your period is going to be your normal period while you're in ketosis. You might have some cravings, you might cramp, you might be light or heavy or early or late. All the same stuff you dealt with during menstruation pre-diet and you will probably continue to deal with now that you've changed your food lifestyle. That being said, there are a few issues we do see pop up from time to time and I will address them, in no particular order.

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Fruit Is Not Your Friend!

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Fruit EnemiesAre you on a quest to lose weight? Are you already on the ITG Diet Plan? Many people ask us why they can’t have fruit on the program. Sorry to tell you… but fruit is not your friend!

Why is fruit not your friend? Fruit is high in fructose, which is simply sugar.

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Kick Start Your Diet With Water

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drink-water-on-dietHave you hit a plateau in your weight loss? Do you feel like you’re doing everything right to lose weight and it’s just not working? At ITG, occasionally some of our dieters will have a rough week. They know when they’ve cheated with the carbs, but if they’re not cheating, the typical problem is usually they’re not drinking enough water. The coaches here at ITG Diet always tell our dieters, “Water, water, water!” If you are experiencing times when your weight doesn’t seem to budge, make sure you look at your water intake and increase it as necessary depending on activity level and even during hotter weather.

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Stop the Shaming

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lady,gaga,super,bowl,body,shame,shamingDid you happen to watch Super Bowl LI? Did you stick around for halftime? Lady Gaga put on a great show, jumping off the stadium roof, dancing, changing costumes... all while singing live in front of millions. She trained for months to be able to put on this 15 minute non-stop spectacle. And then on Monday, the stories about her body started coming in... 

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Have Fun at Holiday Parties Without Spoiling Your Diet

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Surviving Holiday Parties The holidays are upon us once again, and ‘tis the season to enjoy spending time with family and friends. There are work parties, family parties, school parties, and so much more going on throughout the month to keep track of. The problem with the holiday parties? Keeping track of all the food you may eat along the way. How can you make sure that the overabundant temptations of candy, cakes, snacks, and wine at each get together won’t derail your diet?

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