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Libido     We all know that excess weight has many health detriments and that lower weight is much healthier. Now, the newest information is that excess weight kills your libido. Yes, the one last, free, fun activity is in danger because of our diet and eating habits. Can you imagine putting down the Twinkie because you would like to have sex tonight? Now, I am not saying that starting a diet will help you to get great sex anytime you want it! What I am saying is that it surely won’t hurt and may very well help.

The information about sex just came out in an article by Dr. Mark Hyman on his blog (see the link below.) In the article, Dr. Hyman delineates how fat affects hormones and how that affect ruins sex drive and more. He discusses insulin, leptin, testosterone, and growth hormone.

Now there are tests for all these hormone levels and ways to manage the hormones medically. These are all good tests but there are a couple of simple tests that you can do at home also. The first one is to get a simple tape measure and measure the circumference of your waist in the largest section, usually about the level of the belly button. For women it should be less than 34 inches and for men less than 39 inches. If you are over that, your weight is affecting your sex life.  Another simple test is a BMI calculation. You can find a simple BMI calculator online at; https://www.itgdiet.com/connect/tools/bmi-calculator                                                      

If you are between 25 and 29.9 BMI you are overweight, and greater than 30 is considered obese. The overweight range, and to a greater extent the obese range, put you at risk of a poor sex life! WOW! What else can they take away from us?

One really great and simple solution to having a better sex life is the ITG Diet product. It is very safe, very effective, helps with quick and easy weight loss and now… may improve sex life!


By John DeCosmo, D.O.



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John DeCosmo, D.O. has been in practice since 1988 as an Osteopathic Physician and is Board Certified in Family Practice, however, he's focused his career on functional medicine and nutrition, with a particular emphasis on the treatment of metabolic syndrome, especially obesity. ITG delivers Dr. DeCosmo's program directly to the homes of the dieter.


  • Robert Knudson
    Robert Knudson Tuesday, 09 December 2014

    Great article

    I would never had made the connection between healthy eating and better sex, but make sense now.

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Guest Sunday, 09 March 2025
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