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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


The Soy Controversy

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soy-controversy Soy based food products have attracted some controversy.  There are past claims that soy protein is responsible for decreases in testosterone or that estrogen induces man breasts, and even that eating soy can cause cancer.  Most of this has been debunked yet there are always some pros and cons involved in any protein conversation.  Now that we’ve had the chance to analyze these claims it’s clear that soy protein is a good choice for weight loss and muscle growth.

The AHRQ concludes there is no evidence of a negative effect for either soy protein or isoflavones.  Soy products range from whole soy to fermented soy to the protein isolates which ITG uses and are in the group referenced positively by the AHRQ.

Soybeans were added to the American diet in various forms in the 1880s and today they’re used in countless food products around the world.  In the USA it’s hard to go a day without eating a soy product, just because of its abundance. 

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Meal Planning on the Go?

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plan-your-dinner-and-dietEveryone these days seems to be so busy between careers, school, kids, and so many other things. One of the problems I usually faced as so many others do is that I sacrificed my diet for convenience of ready to eat foods from the store, fast food dining and restaurants. Even when I cooked for myself, I used items chock full of carbs and unhealthy ingredients instead of sticking with the basics. How could I pull off cooking for myself when I started the ITG Diet so that it would be easy for me to stick with?

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The ABC's of Diabetes and Hypertension Medications

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diabetes-medication-hypertensionDr. Jimmie Bailey of North Okaloosa Family Medicine recently spoke to ITG Clinic owners and coaches at our national conference about the types of diabetes, hypertension, and the many medications associated with them. Have you wondered how the body uses sugar for energy and what normal blood sugar levels should be? What is A1C? How do diabetes and hypertension medications work in the body?

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Omega Fish Oil Hacks

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omega,itg,diet,supplement,burp,digestionHello, Dr. Cliff Bost here from Peachtree City Chiropractic in Peachtree City, Georgia! I am a chiropractor as well as a company representative of ITG Diet. At our recent ITG Expo 2017, Dr. John DeCosmo, Chief Medical Officer of ITG, had a great review for attendees on the entire line of ITG Supplements. One of the supplements we have in the line of products is the ITG Omega fish oil supplement. Dr. John asked everyone to raise their right hand and take a look around the room...

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ITG Is Proud to Sponsor Run Across America!

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RunWhat does the age of 50 look like to you? Darren Kavinoky will show you! Darren is a highly regarded keynote speaker, TV host, author, criminal behavior expert, trial attorney, and on-air legal analyst. He created the television show Deadly Sins and has appeared on many other television and radio shows over the years where he reports on legal, political, and pop culture issues.

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