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Meal Planning on the Go?

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plan-your-dinner-and-dietEveryone these days seems to be so busy between careers, school, kids, and so many other things. One of the problems I usually faced as so many others do is that I sacrificed my diet for convenience of ready to eat foods from the store, fast food dining and restaurants. Even when I cooked for myself, I used items chock full of carbs and unhealthy ingredients instead of sticking with the basics. How could I pull off cooking for myself when I started the ITG Diet so that it would be easy for me to stick with?

I’m not a professional cook, but I have been dallying in the kitchen for many years and have become quite adventurous with my culinary undertakings. I actually enjoy being in the kitchen whipping up a new creation of my own. Before I learned how to make better choices, I made a lot of delicious dishes, but of course they were usually pretty unhealthy. I breaded, fried, smothered and stuffed my entrees and side dishes to the brim with carbs and plenty of calories. When I began the ITG Diet I saw that I could use some of my skills to make great tasting meals for myself, but use healthier ingredients and methods instead

I realized I would really need to plan dinners for myself to be able to stick with the plan in Step 1, even when I didn’t always have enough time to work with. Thankfully, breakfast, lunch and snacks were a no brainer since ITG products are there as replacement, along with vegetables and salad of course. For someone on the go like me, the diet is perfect. Dinner would be more of a challenge since I had gotten very used to eating unhealthy foods. In order to help planning meals that would keep me compliant with the program, I followed a few simple steps. Click here to read my article about Meal Planning on the Go and see how simple it is to shop and prepare delicious, healthy dinners and stick with your diet.

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Joseph is Operations Director for ITG, a Certified ITG Coach for ITG Online, and also manages and coaches clients at ITG's flagship clinic, Slim Down St Pete. He lost over 75 pounds on the ITG Diet Plan, 10 inches from the waist and decreased body fat by over 20%.


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