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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


Air Fryer Fun - Step 3 Pepperoni Pizza!

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itg,diet,pizza,pepperoni,keto,ketosis,carb,fat,protein,weight,loss,step,3,threeIt's something we all look forward to... the day finally arrives, and congratulations! You are in Step 3 of the ITG Diet Plan, Maintenance!

If you've made it to Step 3, kudos to you for reaching your health and weight loss goals! Now, let the fun begin. Step 3 allows one Reward Day a week when you can, within reason, eat whatever you've been looking forward to all week long.

What fun foods have you been looking forward to on your Reward Day?

If you're like me and many other people, pizza might be up there on the list of priorities. However, normal pizza shop and even frozen pizzas from the store are extremely high in carbs, sodium and fat. They have very little dietary fiber.

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Mindless Eating

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mindless-eatingI’ve always had a problem with mindless eating. Whether I was driving for work, watching television at night, or sitting in front of a computer, I always had to have something to snack on. Most of the time – no, scratch that – ALL of the time, those snacks were full of carbs and sugar. It was really easy for me to stop at a gas station or a fast food joint and grab a couple bags of chips, candy, fries, or a milkshake at least once or twice a day. I never thought that I was overdoing it in the snacking department because I was always extremely hungry whenever it came to mealtimes! Without keeping track of what I ate, I got into a bad habit of not even knowing what I was putting into my system.

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The Problem With Healthy Fast Food

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If you get hungry on-the-go these days, your options for food are endless. When you’re trying to stick with only healthy foods from fast food restaurants, your options become much more limited. Many fast food restaurants are now offering “healthy” menu selections which can come in handy for someone on a diet watching their fat and carb intake. The problem is you will need to be cautious of all the hidden ingredients that will turn that healthy salad or wrap into a roadblock on your path to your weight loss goal.

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Surviving The Holidays Without Gaining Weight!

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Survive The Holidays!The holidays are here and while they can be filled with comfort and joy, they can also be a time of stress and, unfortunately, weight gain! We understand that it's easy to throw your routine and hard work to the wind in favor of overindulgence, yet with a little help, and a lot of will power, we know you will survive without derailing your success.


Here are our Top Tips to Help You Stay on Track:

Stick to Your Routine and stock up your shelves with ITG Foods!

Between holiday shopping and more parties than you can possibly squeeze onto a calendar, it's easy to skip your routine to try to get more in -- but try not to, keep it as simple as possible. By sticking with a diet and exercise plan, you will keep your health as priority number one. Staying healthy and active will also help you manage the stress that the holidays are sure to bring. Stock up on your favorite ITG Diet foods to snack on in emergencies or before parties.

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Why Protein Works for Weight Loss

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protein-works-weight-lossProteins are the building blocks of the body. They are broken down into many forms of amino acids and directed to areas that protein is needed. Your hair, skin, muscles…almost every part of your body needs different proteins to grow, repair and replenish. Many diets to lose weight cut back on fat, calories and much more in an effort to drop the pounds. The ITG Diet is all about lowering your carb intake and upping your high quality protein intake. But do you know the reasons why protein works when it comes to weight loss?

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