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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


ITG Diet vs Typical Keto Diets

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In light of the new year and "dieting season," there are many articles and news pieces published every day comparing a typical keto diet to other weight loss plans. On average, about 6,000 articles, documents and reviews are posted daily dealing with health and weight loss. Sifting through all that material on the internet can dig up a lot of information, both educational as well as misguided.

While the ITG Diet Plan does get you into a light state of ketosis, there are differences between ITG and simply eating foods according to a keto lifestyle. A typical keto diet is a way of eating rather than a weight loss plan, allowing many foods that we restrict while on the ITG Diet Plan. 

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Re-creating Your Habits

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old,new,life,recreate,recreating,bad,habits,change,diet,keto,itg,weight,loss“I do great during the day - it’s when I get home, that I struggle.” I hear this a lot!

It’s true - at the end of the day, we’re tired, we’re a bit stressed, we have a whole set of tasks still to do or we’d like to relax - food and alcohol can bring comfort. 

We’d like to have a drink, we snack on our kids food or maybe we’re snacking on the dinner that we’re making for our family, or it’s the couch and some ice cream - It’s all a struggle.

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Need Something Sweet for the Holidays?

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ITG-Buckeyes.jpgWe know this time of year is full of holiday cheer, and holiday cookies, and holiday cakes, and cocktails... the list goes on! How do you make it through without indulging, or if you are in Step 3, overindulging in those sugary filled little treats?

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How to shed 10 pounds quickly!

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Lose 10 Pounds Quickly! I was recently asked how a woman can easily shed 10 pounds quickly in a healthy manner.  Great question, yet those parameters will be difficult for most programs to meet.  From a scientific perspective there is only one program type that can meet those listed conditions of:  (1) easy, (2) drop 10 lbs, (3) quick, and (4) healthy.  One can lose weight on almost any diet yet doing so quickly and in a healthy way eliminates nearly all except a ketonic body program. 

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Jump Start Your Resolution!

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goal,resolution,jump,start,2017,new,year,eve,holidayIt's that time of year again and the holidays are rapidly approaching! First, there's Halloween with lots of candy, caramel apples, and other junk foods (don't forget the alcohol and mixers for the adults!) Right around the corner is Thanksgiving, a huge feast of anything and everything you can think of. Shortly thereafter is Christmas with more candy, cookies, and desserts to enjoy.

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