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ITG Diet Weight Loss Blog

The ITG Diet Blog delivers weight loss tips, nutritional information and useful diet articles to help you along your weight loss journey.


Step 3 Interview - Success For Life!

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diet-changed-life.pngWe have helped so many people reach their goal weight and more importantly, maintain that goal weight over the years. Once you learn how you can lose weight and keep it off with ITG by following the program, it is much easier to notice a few extra pounds creeping back here and there as is natural with our busy lives, vacations, holidays, and more.

The biggest takeaway would be recognizing when those pounds start creeping back and how you can use the knowledge you learned with your ITG Coach to help you reboot, tune-up, and get back to that goal weight quickly and efficiently. Life happens - but significant weight gain doesn't have to be a part of that!

We recently interviewed one of our successful Step 3 dieters who has been able to maintain his weight with a few tune-ups along the way. Continue reading for excerpts from his interview about Step 3 - Success For Life!

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How Can I Quit Craving Junk Food?

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craving-junk-food.jpgEven those of us with the strongest willpower seem to have periodic lapses in judgement when it comes to indulging in snacks and junk foods. American reliance on these processed foods is a big reason for the obesity epidemic today. It seems scary to realize that we depend on foods with no good nutritional value to get us through everyday life. We then find ourselves craving more and more of those foods just to feel better, even if the feelings only last a short time with the rush of sugar in our systems. Ultimately, these foods affect our health in a negative way. Why is it so hard to give up junk food and fight the urge of salty and sugary cravings?

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Don't Like Water?

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itg,diet,water,enhancer,hydration,keto,ketogenic,ketosisWe've been told time and again that water is very important to our health and extremely important while on the ITG Diet Plan. Water helps flush out the fat we are burning while in ketosis, and too little of it will cause dehydration and stall our weight loss. Every basic function of the human body takes place in water so it is important to stay hydrated, but what if you just don't like water?

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Marie's ITG Success Story

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Watch and listen as Marie explains how the ITG Diet Plan has helped her lose weight and get healthy, 1 pound at a time! Marie received coaching through an ITG location in Orlando, Florida - The Diabetes and Endocrine Center of Orlando - and lost over 100 pounds!

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Get Creative With Cauliflower!

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cauliflower,recipes,itg,diet,planCauliflower has been gaining quite a following recently! A couple years ago when I was on the ITG Diet Plan, my cravings for pizza and rice were satisfied with the substitution of cauliflower. I began buying heads of cauliflower to try recipes in the ITG Recipe Section: Cauliflower Flat Bread Pizza, Cauliflower Fried Rice, and Buffalo Cauliflower, among others. I still to this day use this versatile veggie long after I reached my goal weight, especially since I never felt weighed down or "puffy" after eating several cups of it, which tends to happen with regular rice and dough!

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