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Summer Frustrations

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Summer FrustrationsSummer Frustrations are quickly approaching…

Remember a few weeks ago you made the decision to get in shape for this Summer?  Maybe you made some New Year’s resolutions?  Maybe you committed to a certain date that you wanted to be a certain shape?

How’s that working out for you?

Have you stuck to your plan and lost some weight?

Did you start the diet and give up?

Or are you partially doing the plan and doing the diet “your own way?”

If you’re in the majority and are doing the ITG Diet plan successfully and losing the weight you want, then kudos to you!  You’ll be the one everyone will be asking for your secret.  You’ll be the one with the new wardrobe.  You’ll be the one with that renewed twinkle in your eye and spring in your step.

I’ve personally coached dozens of dieters who want to do the diet their way.  Unfortunately, however, this rarely works for them.  Some dieters want to lose weight, but they don’t want to change anything.  ITG is an excellent plan, but there’s nothing about it that is magic.  You have to combine the ITG Diet with a new attitude.  You have to change the behaviors that got you to where you are. 

Here’s the thing:  The ITG Diet Plan works!  It’s not just the food.  It’s the entire plan.  It’s all about going through all the phases of the plan.  That’s what makes this plan so much different than the other diet programs out there.  If you want to lose that weight and keep it off, you must follow the plan; you must finish the plan.  You can’t lose the weight and immediately go back to your old lifestyle.  It simply won’t work. 

Please give this some thought.  Summer is coming sooner than we think, and if haven’t really been compliant with your weight loss plan yet, don’t give up.  Please think back and try to remember why you came to us in the first place.  Think of ITG Diet as a tool.  The best tool in the world is totally worthless if someone doesn’t pick it up and put it to use.

There’s still plenty of pre summer time left.  Don’t waste it.  We’re here to help if you need it.  Just let us know.

Dr. Tom Ferguson

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Through proven science and nutritional facts, the ITG Diet weight loss coaches provide this weight loss blog to our guests and dieters to aid you in your weight loss journey. We welcome any comments and questions that you may have. We're here to help you succeed!


  • Eric Volkin
    Eric Volkin Tuesday, 09 June 2015

    The ITG plan works!

    I have been on the ITG plan for 8 days so far, and already I have seen results. This article is correct, that if you want to succeed with this tool, it must be followed by design. THAT is how we will lose weight with this program. The coaches are amazing, and gave me some great ideas for recipes in case the veggie intake gets boring. Eating healthy is fun again, and I'm looking forward to getting to my goal. To all the dieters having a bit of a struggle, hang in there, you can do it! Thank you ITG staff!

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