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Omega Fish Oil Hacks

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omega,itg,diet,supplement,burp,digestionHello, Dr. Cliff Bost here from Peachtree City Chiropractic in Peachtree City, Georgia! I am a chiropractor as well as a company representative of ITG Diet. At our recent ITG Expo 2017, Dr. John DeCosmo, Chief Medical Officer of ITG, had a great review for attendees on the entire line of ITG Supplements. One of the supplements we have in the line of products is the ITG Omega fish oil supplement. Dr. John asked everyone to raise their right hand and take a look around the room...

The presentation slide displaying behind him declared that "the people with their hands down do not need a fish oil supplement." This gave us all a good laugh, and even more so when we then had to pledge to Dr. John (and ourselves): We swear to always take our Omega supplement for the rest of our days. But seriously, this is how important fish oils are! The benefits of taking a fish oil supplement include improving heart health, eye health, nervous system stimulation and repair, skin repair, and much more.

During Dr. John’s lecture a question was brought up about some people having problems with the fish oil repeating on them (burping). He had a few suggestions about how to minimize that. This list is expanded here so we can help make sure you don’t just stop taking the fish oil supplements. Here are some other things that might help you if you happen to have this problem.

First, utilize a pharmaceutical grade fish oil, which ITG offers. If you are trying to go on “the cheap” and purchase your fish oil supplement out of the bargain bin at the grocery store, you more than likely aren’t getting a good quality fish oil. Make sure to buy high quality ITG Omegas.

Another way to reduce this problem is to take your Omega with food or just prior to eating a meal. That way other foods will be getting digested and may aid in fish oil digestion. Something else to consider if this trick doesn’t work may be the lack of digestive enzymes. Another ITG Supplement that can aid in digestion is ITG Plant Enzymes, which contain lipase. Lipase is the enzyme that breaks down fats (oils), so it only stands to reason that this will help resolve the burping issue.

Altering your dosage can also help resolve the problem. By splitting up the capsules and spreading them throughout the day, you will receive the proper amount of Omega without having any issue.

Lastly, Dr. John had suggested putting the Omegas in the refrigerator or freezer. Chilled or frozen Omega supplements can minimize any burping that may occur.

As you can see there are lots of things to try to resolve the burping issue and I’m sure there are other hacks to help handle this problem.  The big thing is we must make sure we are all taking the ITG Supplements recommended by the plan to continue getting healthier!

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