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When you fall off a horse, you have to get back in the saddle.

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Get Back On The Horse!     I had big plans for my "vacation" eating schedule, see I planned to go off ITG Diet while I was in San Antonio for my sons Graduation from Basic Military Training United States Air Force.  The excuse I gave was that he had been deprived off all of his favorite foods for the past 8 1/2 weeks (just like me) and I wanted to make sure I got him all his favorites while I was in town, and  I decided I would join him.  I came up with this plan months ago, that's what helped me make it through the last 6 weeks on ITG Diet.  I went off of program for 2 weeks, I was only in San Antonio for 5 days but I planned in some time off program while at home.  Plus who can start a diet on a Wednesday, I needed a weekend off of program at home with my friends.  You know what that meant time for some Wine & Spirits.  Oh how I enjoyed eating drinking and being merry!  Until my belly started to hurt because I ate too much, and a hangover comes with fewer drinks than it did before.  My body has changed but my mind had no problem going back to BDT, before diet Tina.  This is what I went off program for? This is what I say I miss?  I'm sluggish, no energy or motivation what so ever.  I think its official...I fell off the horse.

 I have never been so excited for a Monday to come.  I was ready to get back on program or back in the saddle! I was ready to feel good again, ready to say bye bye to "off program Tina" and welcome back Positive, energetic "on program Tina" I'm ready to get my groove back!  I started my day on the Tanita scale at work, 158.2 she says.  A gain of 5.8 pounds in 2 weeks off of program.  Game on!  I went back to Step One with a vengeance.  I was determined to lose this 5.8 pounds and get started on my next goal weight.  It was pretty easy to get back into the routine of things until I started having extreme cravings.  I was craving more food than my body needed, I knew this but when your body speaks we listen.  I have the knowledge to beat these cravings but that doesn't make it any easier to fight them.  I thought back when I originally started ITG Diet step one, what did I do then to survive?  I remembered the Survival Box I made for my diet buddy when I first started ITG in January 2014.  No need to recreate the wheel here, all I needed to do is go back to the basics.  Time to make my survival box.  (refer to video)

It was a long detox week for me but in the end my survival box worked.  I lost 6 pounds on my first week back on program.  Look out 130 here I come!!!

Tina Sly

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Guest Monday, 10 March 2025
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