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I didn't reach my first goal but I got very close!

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tina-before-and-after-picture    My goal weight was 150 lbs for my son’s graduation from Basic Military Training, United States Air Force,  April 4, 2014, an 8 1/2 week program that I think every young American should attend but that's another story.  My starting weight was 180.8 on January 6, 2014.  That’s a goal of 30.8 pounds in 13 weeks.  I didn't reach my goal but I did get very close.   My weight April 3, 2014 was 152.4 pounds, total loss 28.4 pounds, 2.4 pounds off from my first goal weight.  Did I fail?  Not at all, I proved to myself and you, that ITG Diet works and I can succeed at it.  And if I can succeed on this diet, anyone can succeed on it, including you.  Go ahead give it a try.

Yes, you have to discipline yourself with new eating habits, is that such a bad thing? Learning how to eat healthy foods to support a healthy lifestyle, doesn't sound like a bad thing to me?   It’s never too late to begin living a healthy lifestyle, baby steps of course but Start!  Why not start with ITG Diet! It's working for me, I have more energy and a positive mindset to reach my new goal of 130 pounds for my son’s graduation from Technical School in 11 weeks.   Anyone want to join me? Diet Buddies always welcome. I know that's 22.4 pounds in 11 weeks.  I guess I better get walking then...Oh, the places we will go... 

Tina Sly

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