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Is it too soon to think about Halloween?

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   Old Tina costume                                             New Tina costume

Not if you want a Hot Halloween costume it’s not!

I’ve always had to have costumes that were big to hide my fat.  This year is going to be different!  This year I want to find a hot, tighter fitting costume. LOL! I have been searching online for the perfect costume to order but I just can’t decide.  Any ideas?   I still have 16 pounds to lose to reach my final goal weight of 123.  I can’t believe I am really almost to my ideal body weight, what an amazing feeling it is and I’m not even there yet but I can see the light at the end of this weight loss tunnel.  Join me on this 3 month journey to lose my last 16 pounds which is an average of 1.6 pounds per week.  This is going to be a tough goal for me to reach…I’m going to have to really work at it!  Wish me luck!


Already lost a total of 41lbs in 22 weeks!

Tina Sly

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  • Paisley Curtis
    Paisley Curtis Wednesday, 23 July 2014


    I hope we will get to see pics of whichever costume you pick.

    Good Luck with your Hot Halloween Costume Goal...


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Guest Tuesday, 16 July 2024
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