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Second Hand Health!

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mothers health

I arrived at my mother’s house about 1:30 to start prep work for our Mother’s Day healthy dinner.  Darel, my step-father jumped up to help.  He was slicing cucumbers for us to have for snacks while we played Chicken Foot, my new favorite domino game.  While we were playing he mentioned that he was experiencing a problem with his vision, it was kind of blurred.  I was very concerned and immediately started drilling him with questions.  Do you need to check your blood sugar?  Blood pressure?  Blurred vision is not something to mess around with, especially with a type 2 diabetic with heart stents.  He checked his blood pressure and it was extremely low 88/45.  He takes high blood pressure medication daily.  We put a call in to his Cardiologist to let him know what was going on and for him to advise us on any further action.  When the doctor called back and spoke to Dad he immediately started asking questions, just like I had.  This is when he told the doctor that he has changed his diet recently.  He quit eating fruit, started eating more veggie and healthy dinners.  The doctor told him this could be the culprit of this low blood pressure.  He advised him to only take one half of his high blood pressure medication the following day and follow up with his primary doctor.

Dads primary doctor was amazed how his blood pressure had changed so quickly, Mom and Dad told the doctor how mom had started ITG Diet and Dad was supporting her and eating healthy foods with her, no Fruit, added veggies and healthy dinner instead of Hamburger Helper.  The doctor cut his Metformin dosage for his blood sugar and his blood pressure medication.  The doctor instructed him to keep a log of his daily blood sugar as well as a log of his blood pressure taken several times daily.  Dad returns to see his doctor next month for her to review his daily logs and his medications.  We are a family that is getting healthy together!  I couldn’t be happier!

Tina Sly

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Guest Monday, 10 March 2025
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