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Shout out to my Mom for Mother's Day!

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mothers day Last week I experienced some great news.  My mother wanted to start ITG Diet!  She has seen 30 pounds fall off of me by just changing my eating habits, and she was ready to give it a try.  After the initial excitement wore off I began to realize I would be her Wellness Coach.  My excitement feeling changed to a bitter sweet feeling when I realized her success depends on me coaching or teaching her the program and her following my instructions (listening to me).  I have no problem coaching strangers and giving them some “tough love”, but my Mom? I know that weight loss will improve her health and will make her feel better.  So I just have to bite the bullet and Coach her as a dieter, not my Mom. (yeah, right)

Some of her first weeks comments about being on ITG Diet and my reply in red. 

  • “I feel like I am going to float away if I drink one more sip of water.”   Try to spread your water intake throughout the day.
  • “ I like the Nacho Cheese Lunch but I wanted more and I don’t like that when I eat this for lunch I don’t get my Bar for snack”  add a leafy salad to help fill you up and  remember on days you have a Limited item for lunch you can still have a tasty sweet pudding or shake for your snack.
  • “I love the Vegetable Chili, but I need to make it in a larger bowl next time because it overflowed.”   Great, Chili is Not a Limited item so you can still enjoy your bar tonight, use a larger bowl Mom.
  • “I’m going to the bathroom (#2) more often but not going as much.”  We have a supplement called Colon-Lax & Plant Enzymes that can help if you feel constipated.  Your increased vegetable intake will affect your bowl movements, and remember you are eating less…less in less out…lol
  • “I had a pity party today, I was tired of pre-planning all my meals.  I want my freedom back.” Who showed up to that party mom?  Me, Myself & I,  your body is craving sugar & carbs,  remind yourself of your goal to lose weight for you trip coming in July.  No pity parties!
  • I can’t believe Darel’s (Type 2 diabetic husband)  blood sugar levels since I have been on program.  It was running 130 – 140, today it was 88!”  Wow!  See how unhealthy you were both eating.  The only thing that has changed in his diet is adding veggies.  The power of veggies!
  • “I feel like I am having to force myself to eat my 2 cups of veggies at lunch and dinner.”  Spread them out throughout the day.  I always have a cucumber at 10:30 for a snack, try that.
  • I got into a pair of shorts today that I haven’t been able to wear in over a year, No Pity Party Today!  You can do this mom!  Now I want you to find the next pair of shorts you want to get into.   

I am so proud of my mother for having the courage to start ITG Diet, she is old school and doesn’t like change (in general) at all.  You know her type I’m sure.  This was a huge step for her to take. Go Mom Go!  Can I get a positive shout out for my Mom, from you, in comments below of this blog? Pretty please, she will “eat” it up when I show her!  Thanks for your support.

This year for Mother’s Day we are not going out to eat, we are going to have a healthy dinner at home and create some beautiful memories together cooking healthy. 

Happy Mother’s Day Mom

I Love you.


Mom’s week one loss :   7 pounds


Mother’s Day Dinner Menu: ITG Step One approved!

BBQ Chicken 

Zucchini Chips 

“Mock” Cinnamon Baked Apples 

“Faux” Mashed Potatoes

ITG Chocolate Chip – Cake Pops!

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  • Guest
    Kimberly Arppaia Monday, 12 May 2014

    It is hard to step away from being a daughter

    Hi Tina,

    I commend you on being your mom's coach, and from your comments you are a great one! Not only are you handling your own life style goals beautifully, but you are taking on your mom's most difficult one as well. That is the best mother's day gift. I hope you are really proud of yourself and the strength you are mustering to meet these lofty objectives. It is difficult for any daughter to be a coach for her mom. It is not a role we are accustomed too. I think you are inspirational.

  • Val Walker
    Val Walker Monday, 19 May 2014


    Keep it up Tina!! I was my Mom's coach and she wasn't easy but she really wanted to do it and stuck to the plan. I really had to try and Coach her like I would anyone else. She lost 43 pounds almost 2 years ago and has kept every pound off. In hindsight, I think I helped her more because she trusts me to have her best interest at heart and it completely changed the way she thinks about food. Good luck to you two!!

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