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Re-creating Your Habits

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old,new,life,recreate,recreating,bad,habits,change,diet,keto,itg,weight,loss“I do great during the day - it’s when I get home, that I struggle.” I hear this a lot!

It’s true - at the end of the day, we’re tired, we’re a bit stressed, we have a whole set of tasks still to do or we’d like to relax - food and alcohol can bring comfort. 

We’d like to have a drink, we snack on our kids food or maybe we’re snacking on the dinner that we’re making for our family, or it’s the couch and some ice cream - It’s all a struggle.

There’s so many options for advice here.

Whether you struggle on the weekdays or the weekend:

First you need to focus on recreating your habits. When I get home I make a cup of tea, I eat a bowl of lettuce, I make a sparkling water, I think about my purpose with resolved determination, I chew some gum, I take a bath, I take a walk, I stay busy with a bunch of errands, i stay distracted with chores or homework, I work, I go to bed early... I ask for help. You have to recreate you’re own habit or succession thereof.

If you have bad habits that are derailing your dreams or causing weight gain, your ITG Coach is there to help you create those new habits!

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Through proven science and nutritional facts, the ITG Diet weight loss coaches provide this weight loss blog to our guests and dieters to aid you in your weight loss journey. We welcome any comments and questions that you may have. We're here to help you succeed!


  • Guest
    Melita Tuesday, 04 February 2020

    The struggle is Real!

    These ideas are fantastic.
    The go to foods when you immediately come home.
    Popping water in the microwave to make tea is easy and a short process.
    Also, the trip home, coming in the door, immediately gives you the comfort and the desire to eat. Excellent, I will have ready the bowl of lettuce with the tea to curb appetite before the meal.

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Guest Sunday, 09 March 2025
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