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Jump Start Your Resolution!

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goal,resolution,jump,start,2017,new,year,eve,holidayIt's that time of year again and the holidays are rapidly approaching! First, there's Halloween with lots of candy, caramel apples, and other junk foods (don't forget the alcohol and mixers for the adults!) Right around the corner is Thanksgiving, a huge feast of anything and everything you can think of. Shortly thereafter is Christmas with more candy, cookies, and desserts to enjoy.

What comes next? Of course, New Year's Weekend, typically filled with more eating, more drinking... and then immediately followed by a resolution by many of us to make a change in diet and exercise for the coming year. After loading our bodies with so much sugar (and being able to cover up with bulky sweaters and jackets) for two entire months, making the transition to a healthy diet and exercise regimen on January 1st is obviously going to be a tough challenge for even the strongest of individuals to tackle!

Some New Year's Resolution Statistics to Ponder

About 45% of Americans usually make a New Year's Resolution each year. Of those who do so, only about 8% are successful in their quest. To break it down even further:

  • 75% of Americans who make resolutions maintain them for just the first week of the new year.
  • 71% go on to make it through the end of week 2.
  • 64% actually last one full month.
  • Less than half of resolution-making Americans reach the 6-month point before quitting!

These are dreary statistics, when you think about them! The good news is that people who tend to make a resolution each year, whether they succeed or not, are 10 times more likely to reach their goals in the long run, compared to those who don't bother making a resolution at all.

So instead of waiting around for January 1st to come along to get started on that healthy diet and exercise regimen, why not make a proactive decision to begin your journey to getting happier, healthier, and slimmer for the new year right now? Let us know here at ITG how we can help you jump start your weight loss! Our 3-Step Plan will help you begin losing weight, our tips and tricks will help you survive the holiday season, and you will keep yourself from sabotaging your New Year's Resolution before you get a chance to make it! Now let's get working on that goal!

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Through proven science and nutritional facts, the ITG Diet weight loss coaches provide this weight loss blog to our guests and dieters to aid you in your weight loss journey. We welcome any comments and questions that you may have. We're here to help you succeed!


  • Becky Landis
    Becky Landis Thursday, 27 October 2016

    great idea

    This is great, I didn't want to wait until January to start my diet... I want to look good for my family and friends at Christmas and at our big New Year's Eve party! Thanks!

  • Ellie Cook
    Ellie Cook Thursday, 27 December 2018

    So True!

    I decided to start the ITG Diet just 1 week before Thanksgiving. I wanted to get started before all the Holiday parties so I could look and feel great in photos. I thought Thanksgiving would be tough since we have made the holiday based around food, but I actually found it easy to survive! I went into Christmas knowing my will power to be healthy and look great was stronger than the need to eat terribly for one day and again, I survived Christmas! I am so glad that I did not wait to start my New Year's resolution after the New Year. I feel great going into the New Year with my jump start and knowing I wont be another drop off statistic.

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