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Burn Fat and Crush Cravings

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blue-capsule.jpgBack in the days before I lost my weight and changed my habits with ITG, I wasn't a big believer in using supplements as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle. Rightfully so, as I had done a lot of research on the quality of over-the-counter supplements in vitamin shops and drugstores. Since supplements aren't regulated by the FDA, there can be ingredient and quality issues; you aren't always getting what you think. For example, some protein supplements do indeed contain protein, but that protein was absorbed and utilized by animals, and not humans. There are other supplements that have been tested off the shelves and they contain nothing but dried and ground grass and weeds, with no benefit whatsoever to the human body. Other supplements contain nutrients, but not in the levels listed on the bottle. However, when I started with ITG and learned the importance of proper supplementation, good manufacturing practices (GMP), and medical grade quality ingredients, my eyes were opened as to what a good supplement can do for the body. Want to know my favorite supplements? Keep reading!

My favorite supplements to take whether on the program to lose weight or for everyday use are ITG Thermo Tonic and ITG Crave Away.

Thermo Tonic is one of my all-time favorite supplements, since it contains a fat burning ingredient as well as a little energy boost to the metabolism. Thermo Tonic works any time during the day: it helps me feel awake in the morning (usually within 20 minutes), curbs my appetite, keeps me from overdoing it with caffeinated beverages, and can boost that post-lunch energy level whenever I tend to feel tired between lunch and dinner. The added fat burner kicks up your ketosis with a thermogenic ingredient to help burn some extra fat too. Anything that will help me burn more fat is definitely an added bonus! I have even taken my Thermo Tonic on vacations when I'm off-program since they really come in handy to get my energy levels up early, and then keep them going strong, to get the most out of the day. If you are sensitive to caffeine, don't take Thermo Tonic too late in the day. (Read on to learn more about my Thermo Tonic routine.)

Crave Away contains ingredients that help boost dopamine production. Dopamine is a type of neurotransmitter or chemical messenger that is produced by the body naturally and sends messages between nerve cells. Dopamine plays a major role in allowing us to feel pleasure, or reward. When you eat a big scoop of ice cream, some chocolate, a sugary drink, or anything else that brings you pleasure, dopamine is what makes it all possible. It also plays a big role in our ability to think and plan. Instead of eating or drinking something to get this reward messenger going, Crave Away boosts dopamine levels naturally and keeps cravings at bay. I began taking Crave Away by itself about 6 months ago every morning to see how it worked for me, and it has helped me get through the day without mindlessly snacking or checking in with my refrigerator. Crave Away also contains some natural caffeine, so it can boost metabolism and energy levels first thing in the morning.

I have taken both supplements on their own, as well as together. After experimenting and building up to a higher dose level, here is my daily fat burning and crave support regimen:

Wake Up: I take 2 Thermo Tonic capsules with 16 ounces of water
30 Minutes Before Lunch: I take 2 Crave Away capsules with 16 ounces of water
60 Minutes Before Dinner: I take 1 or 2 Thermo Tonic (caffeine does not affect me in the evenings - if you are sensitive, don't take them this late)

I switched from taking the Crave Away in the morning to before lunch because I noticed I never really craved anything in the morning hours. However, I did have a lot of cravings in the long haul between lunch and dinner. Start slowly with these supplements to see how your body reacts, and feel free to build to the maximum dose listed on the labels (maximum 2 Crave Away per day, maximum 6 Thermo Tonic per day).

Here's how to incorporate these supplements into your daily routine. Remember, you don't have to take the full dosage every day to experience the benefits of these great supplements:

Before Breakfast: 1 to 2 Thermo Tonic, OR 2 Crave Away
Before Lunch: 1 to 2 Thermo Tonic, OR 2 Crave Away if cravings occur in the afternoon
Before Dinner: 1 to 2 Thermo Tonic, or skip if caffeine affects your sleep

Now you can get an extra boost burning off that fat and getting those cravings under control, once and for all!

Read the fact sheets below to make sure you can safely incorporate these supplements into your routine, or talk to your doctor first.

Thermo Tonic Fact Sheet

Crave Away Fact Sheet

CAUTIONS AND WARNINGS:  Seek advice from a health care practitioner prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you have high blood pressure, heart or thyroid disease, diabetes, difficulty in urination due to prostate enlargement, or if taking an MAO inhibitor or any other prescription drug.  Do not take this product if you are taking appetite suppressants or products containing ephedrine or pseudoephedrine.  Reduce or discontinue use if nervousness, tremor, sleeplessness, severe loss of appetite or nausea occur.

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Joseph is Operations Director for ITG, a Certified ITG Coach for ITG Online, and also manages and coaches clients at ITG's flagship clinic, Slim Down St Pete. He lost over 75 pounds on the ITG Diet Plan, 10 inches from the waist and decreased body fat by over 20%.


  • Christy Kruklinski
    Christy Kruklinski Friday, 21 May 2021

    Thermo & Crave

    Thanks so much for explaining the benefits of these supplements. Everything you’ve mentioned is spot on. I am sensitive to caffeine but I do not experience any of the jitters with these supplements. I follow the 2 thermo before breakfast and 2 crave before late lunch or early dinner routine. What a difference it makes in my cravings. I have none! Very important to take the thermo or crave and wait 20-30 minutes before eating. Thanks for the reminders Joe.

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