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Should I Exercise on the ITG Diet Plan?
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If you’re like one of many people we speak to each day who wants to start the ITG Diet Plan, but you exercise quite frequently and are worried about your routine, then this information is for you!
The ITG Diet Plan is a low-calorie diet. When you exercise vigorously, your body requires many more calories than the plan provides you with. The calories from ITG Foods, combined with whole foods from the store, falls into a range which is perfect for losing weight and maintaining muscle mass. However, while on the plan, exercise can change the way your body processes foods as it adjusts to lower levels of sugar and converts to using your stored body fat for energy.
On the ITG Diet Plan, we recommend that you cut back the intensity of your exercise regimen to at least a half, or even a third of the level you are currently working out at, especially if dealing with heavy weights or any activity that could drain your energy levels quickly. In the best-case scenario, take the first several weeks of Step 1 to allow your body to adjust to using ketones for energy. Being active is always encouraged, but there is a science to the diet and exercising too much could be detrimental to your success in losing weight, especially early on in the program.
In Step 1, your body will not be using all those ketones efficiently until it adjusts, usually within the first few weeks. Excess ketones in this stage will be eliminated in urine and through water vapor when you breathe. Fat that is being broken down will not be fully used for energy, so your body’s energy demands could be too high to support intense exercise.
Since your body will not be using ketones to their full potential, it will need energy from another source: protein. That protein source is your lean muscle tissue, which we are trying to protect by eating the proper amount of protein through foods. Since your body craves sugar at this point, it will actually begin to break down muscle tissue in a process called gluconeogenesis, which is the formation of glucose from protein.
Simply eating extra protein is not a proper way to maintain that muscle mass, as the body will quickly strip the protein and convert it to glucose as well, which means you are creating more sugar for your body to run off. This will cause your pancreas to continue to secrete insulin, the fat storage hormone, to control blood sugar. You will not be efficiently reaching a light state of ketosis, in which you are using your stored body fat for energy.
Exercise can also lead to increased food cravings as your body will need more calories to support those intense workout regimens. This can lead to lower amounts of weight loss since you may start needing to eat more to satisfy your hunger and calorie needs.
When I talk to someone who is adamant about continuing their exercise, I try to remind them that we need to work on new habits instead of just relying on the old. Most people I work with who exercise quite often while on the diet are working very hard at their progress, but their weight loss can slow or stall. I tell them to give themselves a short break to place the focus on getting the proper amount of water, vegetables, and proteins in each day; they should especially keep track of what they are eating and how they are feeling from day to day. After about two weeks, you can add in light exercise and see how you feel. Most people tend to tire very easily, so it is important to stick with light cardio such as walking, biking, or swimming. It’s much easier to stop if you feel fatigued.
Be cautious, as tiring quickly while holding a set of heavy weights over the head or during another intense activity could cause you injury. If you feel light-headed or fatigued during exercise, stop what you’re doing and remember that you need to allow some time for your body to adjust to the science behind the ITG Diet Plan first; then you can safely continue your journey with the knowledge and the energy to sustain a healthy lifestyle of eating and exercising to help you reach and maintain your goal weight safely and effectively! You can gradually build back up to the workout routine you enjoy.