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Step 3 Interview - Success For Life!

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diet-changed-life.pngWe have helped so many people reach their goal weight and more importantly, maintain that goal weight over the years. Once you learn how you can lose weight and keep it off with ITG by following the program, it is much easier to notice a few extra pounds creeping back here and there as is natural with our busy lives, vacations, holidays, and more.

The biggest takeaway would be recognizing when those pounds start creeping back and how you can use the knowledge you learned with your ITG Coach to help you reboot, tune-up, and get back to that goal weight quickly and efficiently. Life happens - but significant weight gain doesn't have to be a part of that!

We recently interviewed one of our successful Step 3 dieters who has been able to maintain his weight with a few tune-ups along the way. Continue reading for excerpts from his interview about Step 3 - Success For Life!

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How Can I Quit Craving Junk Food?

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craving-junk-food.jpgEven those of us with the strongest willpower seem to have periodic lapses in judgement when it comes to indulging in snacks and junk foods. American reliance on these processed foods is a big reason for the obesity epidemic today. It seems scary to realize that we depend on foods with no good nutritional value to get us through everyday life. We then find ourselves craving more and more of those foods just to feel better, even if the feelings only last a short time with the rush of sugar in our systems. Ultimately, these foods affect our health in a negative way. Why is it so hard to give up junk food and fight the urge of salty and sugary cravings?

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Don't Like Water?

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itg,diet,water,enhancer,hydration,keto,ketogenic,ketosisWe've been told time and again that water is very important to our health and extremely important while on the ITG Diet Plan. Water helps flush out the fat we are burning while in ketosis, and too little of it will cause dehydration and stall our weight loss. Every basic function of the human body takes place in water so it is important to stay hydrated, but what if you just don't like water?

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Marie's ITG Success Story

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Watch and listen as Marie explains how the ITG Diet Plan has helped her lose weight and get healthy, 1 pound at a time! Marie received coaching through an ITG location in Orlando, Florida - The Diabetes and Endocrine Center of Orlando - and lost over 100 pounds!

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Get Creative With Cauliflower!

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cauliflower,recipes,itg,diet,planCauliflower has been gaining quite a following recently! A couple years ago when I was on the ITG Diet Plan, my cravings for pizza and rice were satisfied with the substitution of cauliflower. I began buying heads of cauliflower to try recipes in the ITG Recipe Section: Cauliflower Flat Bread Pizza, Cauliflower Fried Rice, and Buffalo Cauliflower, among others. I still to this day use this versatile veggie long after I reached my goal weight, especially since I never felt weighed down or "puffy" after eating several cups of it, which tends to happen with regular rice and dough!

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The Soy Controversy

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soy-controversy Soy based food products have attracted some controversy.  There are past claims that soy protein is responsible for decreases in testosterone or that estrogen induces man breasts, and even that eating soy can cause cancer.  Most of this has been debunked yet there are always some pros and cons involved in any protein conversation.  Now that we’ve had the chance to analyze these claims it’s clear that soy protein is a good choice for weight loss and muscle growth.

The AHRQ concludes there is no evidence of a negative effect for either soy protein or isoflavones.  Soy products range from whole soy to fermented soy to the protein isolates which ITG uses and are in the group referenced positively by the AHRQ.

Soybeans were added to the American diet in various forms in the 1880s and today they’re used in countless food products around the world.  In the USA it’s hard to go a day without eating a soy product, just because of its abundance. 

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Meal Planning on the Go?

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plan-your-dinner-and-dietEveryone these days seems to be so busy between careers, school, kids, and so many other things. One of the problems I usually faced as so many others do is that I sacrificed my diet for convenience of ready to eat foods from the store, fast food dining and restaurants. Even when I cooked for myself, I used items chock full of carbs and unhealthy ingredients instead of sticking with the basics. How could I pull off cooking for myself when I started the ITG Diet so that it would be easy for me to stick with?

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The ABC's of Diabetes and Hypertension Medications

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diabetes-medication-hypertensionDr. Jimmie Bailey of North Okaloosa Family Medicine recently spoke to ITG Clinic owners and coaches at our national conference about the types of diabetes, hypertension, and the many medications associated with them. Have you wondered how the body uses sugar for energy and what normal blood sugar levels should be? What is A1C? How do diabetes and hypertension medications work in the body?

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Omega Fish Oil Hacks

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omega,itg,diet,supplement,burp,digestionHello, Dr. Cliff Bost here from Peachtree City Chiropractic in Peachtree City, Georgia! I am a chiropractor as well as a company representative of ITG Diet. At our recent ITG Expo 2017, Dr. John DeCosmo, Chief Medical Officer of ITG, had a great review for attendees on the entire line of ITG Supplements. One of the supplements we have in the line of products is the ITG Omega fish oil supplement. Dr. John asked everyone to raise their right hand and take a look around the room...

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ITG Is Proud to Sponsor Run Across America!

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RunWhat does the age of 50 look like to you? Darren Kavinoky will show you! Darren is a highly regarded keynote speaker, TV host, author, criminal behavior expert, trial attorney, and on-air legal analyst. He created the television show Deadly Sins and has appeared on many other television and radio shows over the years where he reports on legal, political, and pop culture issues.

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This One's For The Ladies

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womens,issues,period,menstruation,crampsWhile in ketosis on the ITG Diet as well as dealing with menstruation and all the issues that may go along with it, here are some things to expect. One thing to keep in mind: your period is still your period.

For the most part, your period is going to be your normal period while you're in ketosis. You might have some cravings, you might cramp, you might be light or heavy or early or late. All the same stuff you dealt with during menstruation pre-diet and you will probably continue to deal with now that you've changed your food lifestyle. That being said, there are a few issues we do see pop up from time to time and I will address them, in no particular order.

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Fruit Is Not Your Friend!

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Fruit EnemiesAre you on a quest to lose weight? Are you already on the ITG Diet Plan? Many people ask us why they can’t have fruit on the program. Sorry to tell you… but fruit is not your friend!

Why is fruit not your friend? Fruit is high in fructose, which is simply sugar.

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Kick Start Your Diet With Water

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drink-water-on-dietHave you hit a plateau in your weight loss? Do you feel like you’re doing everything right to lose weight and it’s just not working? At ITG, occasionally some of our dieters will have a rough week. They know when they’ve cheated with the carbs, but if they’re not cheating, the typical problem is usually they’re not drinking enough water. The coaches here at ITG Diet always tell our dieters, “Water, water, water!” If you are experiencing times when your weight doesn’t seem to budge, make sure you look at your water intake and increase it as necessary depending on activity level and even during hotter weather.

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Stop the Shaming

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lady,gaga,super,bowl,body,shame,shamingDid you happen to watch Super Bowl LI? Did you stick around for halftime? Lady Gaga put on a great show, jumping off the stadium roof, dancing, changing costumes... all while singing live in front of millions. She trained for months to be able to put on this 15 minute non-stop spectacle. And then on Monday, the stories about her body started coming in... 

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Have Fun at Holiday Parties Without Spoiling Your Diet

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Surviving Holiday Parties The holidays are upon us once again, and ‘tis the season to enjoy spending time with family and friends. There are work parties, family parties, school parties, and so much more going on throughout the month to keep track of. The problem with the holiday parties? Keeping track of all the food you may eat along the way. How can you make sure that the overabundant temptations of candy, cakes, snacks, and wine at each get together won’t derail your diet?

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Do Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women?

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men-lose-weight-faster-than-women We’ve seen it time and again: men put on a few extra pounds, and whenever they feel like it, they lose them just as fast. Sometimes, they barely have to be motivated to drop the pounds or even seem like they’re trying. Women, on the other hand, tend to take more time and have a slower rate of weight loss than the opposite sex. There are few reasons why men lose weight much faster than women.

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Thanksgiving Survival Recipes

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It's getting closer by the day: Thanksgiving Dinner. Turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pumpkin pie, cranberry sauce... the list goes on and on. You may have anxiously awaited this giant feast every year in the past, but now you're on a diet. The ITG Diet. And you are a little nervous, as you've only got your protein covered, turkey. Now what to do about all those carb- and sugar-filled side dishes? ITG is here to help, and to show you how delicious a healthy Thanksgiving Dinner can be (and probably should be!)

If you will be partaking in a big family dinner this Thanksgiving and you are on the ITG Diet, have no fear! We have seen people have a very hard time on the diet due to one major factor: lack of planning. Start planning now so that when the big meal is being laid out on the table, you can make informed decisions on what to eat, what not to eat, and what you can substitute in place of the unhealthy sides being served in (over)abundance.

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Food-PrepI felt like this blog should be revisited because of its important prep content. We also have a video about the ITG Diet Survival Kit that shows you what to take with you to school or work, or any time you're on the go, to get through your day and be successful on the ITG Diet Plan.

Here’s the plan to succeed on ITG Diet:

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Back to School = Back to Basics!

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Back To School

ITG Step 3 Success For Life style.

Summer is fun times, most of them not including healthy eating.  A cheat here and a cheat there shouldn’t make too much difference in my weight.   As summer comes to an end and all the kids go Back to School it’s time for us to Get Back to Basics. …The Healthy eating basics! 

We all have heard the saying “you are what you eat” and if we have completed ITG Step 3 Success For Life we should have learned the truth in that statement.  Here’s to getting Back to Basics on Step 3, Success For Life!

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4 Reasons Why Most Diets Don't Work

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fads-and-yoyo-diets-do-not-workA lot of us have been there – chances are if you’re reading this, you have been there – just starting a new diet, feeling completely confident it will work and that THIS time, you’ll be sure to maintain the weight you lost by either sticking to the diet forever or making sure you’ll exercise every single day once you’ve lost the weight. And wouldn’t you know it, you lost some weight on this new diet! Now you look great and more so, you feel great! And yet, little by little you start going right back to your old ways. Or as I like to call it, you go right back to being a red-blooded human being! Coffee with sugar every morning, beer and pizza while watching football, chomping on that yummy ginormous sandwich for lunch and enjoying a butter loaded piece of toast for breakfast or potato at dinner most nights of the week. Oh, and let us not forget the NEVER-FAILS-at-being-YUMMY that is Fast Food. And these are just the average routines of people. But besides the average routines, we also have the more than average amount of refreshing ice cream in the Summer, Holiday treats galore in the Winter, Pumpkin & Apple Caramel EVERYTHING in the Fall and the grease-tastic Fair Food in the Spring. But admit it, you don’t just like these things, you LOVE this stuff! And you absolutely should, you’ve been taught to your WHOLE life! Especially since food isn’t just something we have to eat in order to survive – foods & drinks are a very real and very emotional part of who we are to our deepest core. So, now that we’ve admitted the very obvious truth about who we are as a species, it’s time to find out just how the corporate world has been using this knowledge against us for a VERY long time.

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