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Chocolate Chip Cookies vs ITG Chocolate Chip Pancake

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protein-cookie-blogAs you all read in last week’s blog, my son is leaving for US Air Force Basic Training on Feb. 4.  I am having him a farewell party with all of his favorite foods, since he won’t be having any of them for the next 8 ½ weeks or longer. When I asked him what favorite food he wanted me to make for his party, I should have sat down first…lol   my stomach tied up into knots when he said, Chocolate Chip Cookies.  Then he realized what he was asking of me while on ITG Diet and said, “Should I pick something else, Mom?”  No Way! I can do this……I think…

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Be Prepared!     Have I told you my biggest pet peeve with ITG Diet? Well the exclusion of Wine and Spirits of course.   My spirit is vodka…I miss her so…lol

The same day I started the ITG Diet, January 6th,  my son joined the US Air Force. Yesterday he tells me his recruiter called and he will be leaving for Basic Training Tuesday February 4th.  What? Is this really happening? So quick? Once the fog cleared from being in shock, I thought to myself, I’m going to have a drink tonight at my GF’s daughter’s 21st bday party. Then my next thought was, you’re on a diet silly, NO DRINKING!  Here I am at Day #13 and I thought I had a good reason to cheat. 

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First Weekend on ITG Diet!

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lose-5-pounds-of-fat  Last thing my ITG wellness coach, Maria, said to me on Friday at 5:00 pm day #5 of my ITG Diet was, “the best advice I can give you for your first weekend is to stay busy.”  She told me how it could be a few tough days ahead.  My routine was about to change.  I got used to getting up and coming in to the office.  Surrounded by supportive people and approved food choices.  How could I fail in the perfect ITG Diet setting?  Home all weekend doing house work and laundry…How could I not fail?   See I started on a Monday and was at work most of the day for days #1-5 but days #6 and #7 will be my toughest days… home alone with Me! (yikes) … “Stay busy, Tina!”

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Tina’s Blog…Prepping to start ITG Diet!

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prepping-diet-mealLet’s face it we all know ourselves better than anyone else.  I know my #1 excuse for cheating will be time.  I can almost hear myself now…”I got home from work too late to cook my chicken breast, I’ll hit the nearest drive thru.” Or here’s a good one…”I’m so hungry, I’ll be sick if I don’t eat something right away.”  As much as I am my biggest enemy, I am also my biggest fan.  If anyone can outwit me it’s me.

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Time for Action!!!

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ready-to-start-diet     I am so excited about starting the ITG Diet!  It’s all I talk about...I hope there are some dieters out there who share my passion and want to join my diet buddy team.  I have already gotten one of my dear friends to join me on my journey. The more the merrier! We can all help support each other and share ideas and motivate each other to stay on track! I am already starting to get my daily intake of water, 64 ounces. That’s only four 16.9 fluid ounce water bottles a day.  Come on ladies, guys too, let’s get motivated!  Start date January 6th will be here before we know it.

Tina Sly

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Here it is January again, time for a New Year’s Resolution, again.  Weight Loss it is, again.  This year is going to be different, 2014 is going to be the year I lose weight and keep it off!  I am going to start the ITG Diet Weight Loss Plan the first Monday of the New Year, January 6th.

 After losing 34 pounds in 2010 I told myself, “You may never be smaller than this but you will never be larger!”  Three years later and 16 of the 34 pounds I lost have found its way back, just like a lost dog. Lol   I am so determined to be fully committed to the ITG Diet that I decided the best way to hold myself accountable is to use the buddy system.

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I'm bringing sexy back

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Yes, this was me I may be smiling in that before picture but I am not happy. Overweight, uncomfortable and not feeling good about myself at all. I guess I had to get to the point where I was disgusted completely, disgusted in order to do something about it. I woke up one day and said THAT’S IT!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! What am I going to keep packing on the pounds and getting more unhealthy? I promised myself from that day forward I would only do good for myself and my body and I was going to lose weight and bring sexy back!!!!

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