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Mike Beatty

Mike Beatty

Mike Beatty, CEO of ITG Diet.


Understanding Organic Food Claims

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understanding-organics Are organic foods really better for us?  Do they taste better?  How do they really compare to conventionally grown foods?  The mainstream concept of organic foods makes sense… that you should only eat those foods that are not grown with manmade and potentially toxic chemicals.  Yet I have to wonder why someone would be healthier if they ate food sprayed with fresh organic green manure rather than food that was treated with conventional manmade products.   

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Thank you for being a part of that journey

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itg-diet-messageSome of you know me while many more of you know my wife, Laurel.  Those who know us can see that we’re passionate about ITG Diet and often wonder why we focused our business on health issues related to weight control.  Passionate is the right word for it because we entered this industry for personal health reasons. 

We’d both struggled with our weight as we worked our way through middle-age even though we were in the medical industry where, one would think, we’d have the advantage of readily available knowledge to guide us in weight control.  It turned out that the myths, false claims and magic promises were as confusing to the medical professionals as they were to the rest of us.  Then we purchased an integrative medical clinic in 2005 and saw how the medical providers on the inside viewed overall health and weight control.  The messages these professionals receive is an array of some old school and outdated philosophies, some new wave unproven ideas, many false promise and a little bit of science.  The science attracted us.

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