ITG Diet Blog
The ITG Diet blog delivers informative weight loss tips, health resources and nutritional information to help you along your weight loss journey.
Thank you for being a part of that journey
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Some of you know me while many more of you know my wife, Laurel. Those who know us can see that we’re passionate about ITG Diet and often wonder why we focused our business on health issues related to weight control. Passionate is the right word for it because we entered this industry for personal health reasons.
We’d both struggled with our weight as we worked our way through middle-age even though we were in the medical industry where, one would think, we’d have the advantage of readily available knowledge to guide us in weight control. It turned out that the myths, false claims and magic promises were as confusing to the medical professionals as they were to the rest of us. Then we purchased an integrative medical clinic in 2005 and saw how the medical providers on the inside viewed overall health and weight control. The messages these professionals receive is an array of some old school and outdated philosophies, some new wave unproven ideas, many false promise and a little bit of science. The science attracted us.
As the new owners of a large medical clinic one of our first challenges was determining what programs to improve or remove. This is when our passion kicked in. Our weight control doctors on staff used a version of the paleo diet yet it didn’t provide the fast and healthy weight losses we needed in order to show people measurable progress. That led me to charge Laurel with finding an alternative weight control program for the clinic. She was thorough. She found a company that promoted the ketonic body method and we were quickly convinced this was the future.
At our first service meeting with 12 of our staff doctors we were met with a very cold reception and one of them actually walked out of the presentation. Not to be discouraged we decided to go forward with the philosophy that if we can’t push the docs to buy into health via a better weight control program then we’d drag them behind us by going on the program ourselves.
Laurel began the program that November while I decided to wait until January of the following year because I needed the holiday goodies to steel my resolution in order to actually go on a diet program. I was weak… which is why I’m telling you about Laurel. She was compliant, started shedding three or four pounds a week and enjoyed a natural side effect… control of her menopausal symptoms. In fact, we often joke that the diet program saved our marriage. Yet that’s another topic for another time.
After just three weeks those same doctors were stopping Laurel in the hall to ask if she was losing weight and how she was doing it. Not only did Laurel’s hot flashes become controllable but her always pleasant personality became, shall we say, more consistent. I loved this program. It was as if my wife was getting younger, which is what probably helped keep me motivated to be compliant when I began the program after that new year.
I lost 26 pounds in 28 days and only cheated one little time on Day 3 when I snuck two cashews. The program worked and we were on our way. To shorten this story we then helped bring another ketonic body weight control company into America in 2007 and launched ITG Diet in 2008 to deliver our program to thousands of dieters. This worked fine in conjunction with our medical clinic while we developed the ITG Diet protocol we use today at the direction of our medical director, Dr. John DeCosmo.
Our path to our passion was taken one logical step at a time with our focus on better health via weight control. Our attention to customer service drives us to stay focused on our dieters, our customers. We follow a simple and time tested formula… We offer a really good program, at a fair price, and with great customer service.
Thank you for being part of that journey.
Mike Beatty CEO