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Chocolate Chip Cookies vs ITG Chocolate Chip Pancake
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As you all read in last week’s blog, my son is leaving for US Air Force Basic Training on Feb. 4. I am having him a farewell party with all of his favorite foods, since he won’t be having any of them for the next 8 ½ weeks or longer. When I asked him what favorite food he wanted me to make for his party, I should have sat down first…lol my stomach tied up into knots when he said, Chocolate Chip Cookies. Then he realized what he was asking of me while on ITG Diet and said, “Should I pick something else, Mom?” No Way! I can do this……I think…
I was good with the measuring of all the ingredients. I was even good with spooning the batter onto the cookie sheet. Didn’t lick the spoon or anything. The story changed when the aroma of fresh hot chocolate chip cookies started to fill the house. I thought I was going to be okay but realized my senses were stronger than my will. What was I going to do? I wanted a chocolate chip cookie! If I would have looked into a mirror I probably would have seen the Cookie Monster from Sesame Street. If given the chance I might have eaten as many cookies as he does. I knew that having a cookie would be a HUGHE setback for me on this weight loss program, but I also knew I wanted a Chocolate Chip Cookie! I looked to my ITG food for help. You will never guess what I found, ITG Chocolate Chip Pancake. It didn’t take me long to decide what I was going to do with this miraculous find. I felt like I was on an episode of Chopped, which started me thinking outside of the box. I quickly made the chocolate chip pancake mix into a batter and put it into a muffin pan, it actually made 2 small Chocolate Chip muffins. I got the muffins in and out of the oven while the aroma of fresh hot chocolate chip cookies still filled the house. My son and I sat together and enjoyed our Chocolate Chip desert for the evening. His cookie may have tasted better but my protein muffin was pretty darn good and as far as my senses know I ate a Chocolate Chip Cookie…shhhh don’t tell, I plan on tricking my senses again real soon.
So whether you are planning a farewell party or a Super Bowl Party this weekend, you have to be strong and remember ITG weight loss products include over 70 products to help you get through this storm.
Just in case you think you can have just one Chocolate Chip Cookie, check this out!
Chocolate Chip Cookie vs ITG Chocolate Chip Pancake
370 calories 110
171 calories from fat 15
19g Total Fat 1.5g
9g Saturated Fat 1g
20mg Cholesterol 20mg
340mg Sodium 250mg
49g Carbohydrates 9g
2g Dietary Fiber <1g
28g Sugars 3g
4g Protein 15g
Week #3 weight loss 1.8lbs
Tina Sly