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Why Sucralose Makes Sense?

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what-is-sucroloseITG has small amounts of sucralose in many of its products yet you can easily complete the program without ingesting any sucralose at all… because we have over 20 delicious products that contain absolutely no sucralose.  Our product variety philosophy includes a sucralose policy just like it includes a gluten free policy a limited carbohydrate policy a kosher policy and allergy policies.  In other words, ITG has a healthy way to complete our weight loss program for most people who have special dietary needs.  We’re aware that some of you may not be able to tolerate certain ingredients so we’ve been careful to provide a variety of foods for your convenience.  Just go to https://www.itgdiet.com/contact if you have ingredient questions.   

Yet today let’s discuss sucralose.  By now you probably know that excess carbohydrates are associated with obesity and that sugar is the main culprit in the carbohydrate war in America.  But that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice sugary treats to control your weight.  That’s because we have so many FDA approved artificial sweeteners today and one of our preferred sweeteners is sucralose.    

Just consider this short list of well-known sweeteners; sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, stevia, saccharin and sucralose, in addition to lesser recognized sweeteners like neotame, acesulfame potassium, and advantame.  With the exception of sugar and high fructose corn syrup, these all reduce carbohydrates and should help us reach our health goals.

Yet whether the FDA approves these sweeteners are not we should still be aware of what we eat and we should do so without the stress caused by myths in the marketplace.  Sucralose adds sweetness to foods and beverages without adding calories or carbs which is interesting since we make sucralose from sucrose, which is another name for table sugar even though the final product is very different from sugar.  

Nearly all of the sucralose people consume on the ITG plan is not absorbed because it is simply passed through our bodies. The small remaining amount is excreted in our urine and doesn’t accumulate in our bodies.  Sucralose has been found to be safe by experts and researchers around the world including the FDA.

You might be interested in the scientific explanation.  If so, take a quick look at Dr. DeCosmo’s article at https://www.itgdiet.com/ingredient-articles/183-sucralose.  But here’s a spoiler alert… it’s well documented that sucralose is expected to be completely eliminated from the body in about one day.

In summary, many of our products are made to accommodate special dietary needs which is why we chose sucralose as a sweetener in many of our products.  Check out the ITG Shop to see how many products we have that may meet your special needs.  Yet that doesn’t mean sucralose is for everyone because if you have an allergy or sensitivity to any ingredient, by all means avoid it at all costs.

ITG Diet

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Guest Sunday, 09 March 2025
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