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Vitamin B Complex: Quick Facts!

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What is the B vitamin complex?

A group of nutrients that the body uses to help turn food into energy, breaking down carbohydrates and proteins.

Why do you need B vitamins?

As a supplement, B vitamins can help treat and even prevent deficiencies due to a poor diet, during pregnancy, alcoholism, and certain illnesses. They're important to help keep the body in good health and are the building blocks of many enzymes, hormones, and DNA.

B-1 and B-2 help produce energy and also help create enzymes that keep the muscles, heart, and nervous system functioning properly.

B-3 helps make energy that every cell in the body needs to maintain healthy digestion, nervous system functions, and even maintaining healthy skin.

B-5 and B-12 assist with growth and development. B-12 also helps make blood cells.

B-6 helps to support your immune system, nervous system, and helps to create blood cells. Along with other vitamins, B-6 helps break down proteins.

B-7 helps break proteins and carbohydrates down and also works to create hormones.

B-9 helps create and maintain DNA, especially important for developing fetuses. B-9 also helps create blood cells.

What foods contain B vitamins?

Eggs, meat, fish, potatoes, nuts, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, beans, mushrooms, and many other foods contain a range of the B vitamins.

Click Here for Vitamin B-100 Complex in the Survive & Thrive Shop

Click Here to read more about the importance of the B complex vitamins

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