ITG Diet Blog
The ITG Diet blog delivers informative weight loss tips, health resources and nutritional information to help you along your weight loss journey.
Ready to Survive Your Vacation?
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Ready to take some time off of work and enjoy some fun in the sun? Planning an excursion across the globe to visit exciting new places? ITG is here to help no matter what Step of the plan you're on!
Remember that just because you're going on vacation, you don't have to sacrifice your diet. ITG Foods are travel friendly and can be packed in your suitcase or carry-on bag when flying. If you are driving, even better! Bring along those ITG Foods and fill a cooler with ice packs and lots of veggies and pre-cooked lean proteins for snacks and meals on the way.
However, before going on your trip, you really do have a few choices you need to make first, and you should make sure your ITG Coach is involved in the process to help with the best advice to keep you successful as you work toward your goal weight.
What choice will you make?
1. I am going to stay on the plan, 100%!
2. I want to transition to Step 2 of the plan to incorporate more food groups (temporarily.)
3. I am going to eat very low carb and low fat, but splurge a little (kind-of on the plan.)
4. I am on vacation and I am going to eat whatever I want!
Think about what your choice may be at least a few weeks before your departure. Read our vacation survival article here and make sure you talk to your coach beforehand, especially if you will need to transition off of the plan for a short time and then resume Step 1 when you return. The most important thing to remember is that you should not just jump off the program and begin eating whatever you want. You have been giving your pancreas a well-needed break from insulin overproduction. You will be shocking your system if you eat too much sugar and carb-filled foods, and you could actually gain weight back very quickly!
Just as you would plan ahead on what to bring with you on your vacation, be sure to plan on how you will be able to stick with your diet or safely transition off beforehand, and plan on seeing your coach and completing a check-in as soon as you get back!
Enjoy your vacation!