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Food-PrepI felt like this blog should be revisited because of its important prep content. We also have a video about the ITG Diet Survival Kit that shows you what to take with you to school or work, or any time you're on the go, to get through your day and be successful on the ITG Diet Plan.

Here’s the plan to succeed on ITG Diet:

Personally, I always go shopping on a Saturday so that Sunday I prep all my foods and meals and I am ready to hit the ground running on Monday.  I measure out 2 cups of approved veggies in Ziploc bags. I bake some chicken breasts and make individual 8 oz. servings and also place them into Ziploc bags to be frozen or keep some fresh for the next couple days. I also hard boil some eggs to keep on hand to break into in case of emergencies. No egg yolks though, just the whites with a little lemon and natural sea salt. If you prep you will always have what you need on hand without even having to think about it. Chances are if you don’t have some approved veggies ready to go and some lean protein to cook really quickly on the stove or in a microwave, you might just grab something that is off plan because you’re hungry (and maybe a bit too lazy to cook!) This is what we want to avoid!

When reviewing the ITG Diet with my friend she had lots of questions and concerns.  She is a realtor and works out of her car a lot; she doesn’t always have an office situation for lunch.  That’s when the Survival Kit came to mind.  I told her if she followed the ITG Diet and was still hungry, dig into her Survival Kit for healthy foods and snacks.  She is allowed to eat anything in her Survival Kit because it’s all approved! We recently even made a packing for vacation survival video while on the ITG Diet Plan. So no excuses! We can do this!

ITG Diet Survival Kit

ITG Diet Vacation Survival

Tina - ITG Diet Wellness Coach

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