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Air Fryer Fun - Step 3 Pepperoni Pizza!

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itg,diet,pizza,pepperoni,keto,ketosis,carb,fat,protein,weight,loss,step,3,threeIt's something we all look forward to... the day finally arrives, and congratulations! You are in Step 3 of the ITG Diet Plan, Maintenance!

If you've made it to Step 3, kudos to you for reaching your health and weight loss goals! Now, let the fun begin. Step 3 allows one Reward Day a week when you can, within reason, eat whatever you've been looking forward to all week long.

What fun foods have you been looking forward to on your Reward Day?

If you're like me and many other people, pizza might be up there on the list of priorities. However, normal pizza shop and even frozen pizzas from the store are extremely high in carbs, sodium and fat. They have very little dietary fiber.

If you could enjoy a healthy pizza in Step 3 that didn't make you feel bloated or hungry for more, helped you maintain your goal weight, and can actually be enjoyed for dinner on a weeknight (save your real Reward for reward day!), then I have an ITG recipe just for you!

Many of you know I am a fan of the air fryer. Ever since Christmas, I have been learning how to make some of my favorite meat and vegetable dishes so quickly and conveniently. It's been so easy to make dinner, many times directly from the freezer which makes prep and cleanup a breeze. Plus, the air fryer cooks foods so quickly that you'll have more time to enjoy the things you like to do in the evening instead of being stuck in the kitchen cooking and cleaning.

An ITG Pepperoni Pizza is so easy to assemble. Remember, cheese and pepperoni in Step 3 only! However, you can still use a little healthy homemade tomato sauce (or very low carb alternative), no cheese, and use diced chicken and vegetables to create your own Step 1 compatible pizza.

Click here for the recipe. Split the pizza in half for two servings.


This serving of pizza is delicious, fresh, and cuts out lots of carbs, calories, and fat from traditional pizza shops and store bought versions. Plus, it's so easy and fun to make! Check out the comparisons below and let me know how your pizza turns out!

ITG Pepperoni Pizza (1/2 = 1 serving)

Fat: 8.5g

Carbs: 13.5g

Fiber: 6.75g

Protein: 16g

Calories: 196

Net Carbs (if you track them): 6.75g

Domino's Pepperoni Pizza (1 slice = 1 serving)

Fat: 16g

Carbs: 34g

Fiber: 1g

Protein: 12g

Calories: 300

Net Carbs: 33g

Pizza Hut Pepperoni Pizza (1 slice = 1 serving)

Fat: 13g

Carbs: 35g

Fiber: 2g

Protein: 12g

Calories: 310

Net Carbs: 33g

DiGiorno Pepperoni Pizza (1/8 pie = 1 serving)

Fat: 12g

Carbs: 37g

Fiber: 1g

Protein: 15g

Calories: 320

Net Carbs: 36


Happy Air Frying (and pizza-eating!)

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Joseph is Operations Director for ITG, a Certified ITG Coach for ITG Online, and also manages and coaches clients at ITG's flagship clinic, Slim Down St Pete. He lost over 75 pounds on the ITG Diet Plan, 10 inches from the waist and decreased body fat by over 20%.


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Guest Sunday, 09 March 2025
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