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Vitamin B Complex: Quick Facts!

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What is the B vitamin complex?

A group of nutrients that the body uses to help turn food into energy, breaking down carbohydrates and proteins.

Why do you need B vitamins?

As a supplement, B vitamins can help treat and even prevent deficiencies due to a poor diet, during pregnancy, alcoholism, and certain illnesses. They're important to help keep the body in good health and are the building blocks of many enzymes, hormones, and DNA.

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Choosing a Healthy Plant-Based Protein

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fava,bean,protein,plant,nutrition,protein,healthy,dietWhen we think about our options for protein sources, meat usually comes to mind. Nowadays, there are a lot more options for plant-based proteins that can give your body the nutrients it needs without a lot of the fat, cholesterol, and calories of many animal protein counterparts.

The most popular and well-known plant-based protein source is tofu or tempeh which is made from soy beans by fermenting and culturing soy and soy milk and then pressing the curds into solid blocks. However, if you are allergic to soy, or you are trying to avoid eating too much of it, here are some other popular plant-based protein sources to incorporate into your daily diet.

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Welcome to Survive & Thrive!

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survive-thrive-itgAs we continue to face a future of global pandemics and a plethora of health-related issues around the country, proper immune system function has become an extremely important topic in 2021. By properly supplementing, the body is better able to defend itself from chronic disease. There is evidence that supplements can even reduce the severity and sometimes eliminate those health issues altogether that could arise in the future.

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Welcome to Survive & Thrive!

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STlogo.pngAs we continue to face a future of global pandemics and a plethora of health-related issues around the country, proper immune system function has become an extremely important topic in recent years. By properly supplementing, the body is better able to defend itself from chronic disease. There is evidence that supplements can even reduce the severity and sometimes eliminate those health issues altogether that could arise in the future. 

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