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Health Articles

The following articles cover a wide variety of Health Topics ranging from emotions to vitamins to insulin.  Take some time to enjoy this information and just let us know if you have other topics you’d like to learn about such as quick weight loss, proteins, recipes or just weight loss tips.

Title Hits
Your Personal Health & Wellness Contract 6750
Why is a Food Diary So Important? 4792
Prediabetes: On the Rise in the US 8035
Could Vitamin D Deficiency Increase Risk of Heart Disease? 8749
Coronavirus Attacks Fat Tissue, Scientists Find 9609
Step 1 Interview - Mary Gets Started 10574
Step 3 Interview - Billie B's Success For Life 16208
Step 3 Interview - H. Davis's Success For Life 17160
Step 1 Interview - Cathy Begins Her Journey 18244
Step 1 Interview - Jenny Gets Started 18802
Step 3 Interview - Glenn's Success For Life 19180
Step 3 Interview - Eric's Success For Life 20468
The ABC's of Diabetes & Hypertension Medications 26526
What Happens If I Don't Drink Enough Water? 23824
Ketones and Dieting 29595
Understanding Ketosis 29818
Sleep and Your Diet 29872
Soy Protein, Demystified 31446
Mindless Eating 29443
Killing Your Sex Drive One Bite at a Time 33183
Organic Food Claims 30536
Weight Loss Controls Hot Flashes 25283
“Choosing a Diet Plan?" 24900
Glossary of Terms 26455
Are Your Friends Destroying Your Diet? 23539
Are You An Emotional Eater? 24865
Vitamin C 21716
The Strong Connection Between Your Snooze Time and Your Waistline 17999
Many Americans May Benefit From Eating A Higher-Protein Diet 19349
Why Most Diet Systems Don’t Work 21919
Let’s Talk About Insulin 18203
Are You Overweight? 17628
Are You Really Ready to Get Ready for the Beach? 17427
The Real Costs of Cheating on the ITG Diet Plan 22033
Are Your Friends a Fat Influence? 11569
Dieting around the Holidays 13486
Depression 11506
Exercise and Physical Fitness 12012
Hormones 10542
Cholesterol 11374
What is Insulin Resistance? 11349
High Blood Pressure 10015
Understanding Triglycerides 9914



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