The Plan
Success Stories
Ordering & Support Questions
Thank you for visiting our FAQ section. To view an answer simply click on the question of your choice. If you have any questions that are not listed here, please feel free to email us at info@itgdiet.com.
What is a Member/Dieter vs. a Registered Shopper?
Registered Shopper: A Registered Shopper is anyone who just wants to purchase ITG products. You can purchase any of the foods for your enjoyment. However, you must acknowledge that you are not on the ITG Diet Plan and will not be on our weight loss program. As a Registered Shopper you will have limited access to the website and must still pre-register before you can shop. As a possible shopper we will also let you know if there is an ITG Diet clinic in your area for your convenience.
Member/Dieter: If there is not a local clinic and you want to have access to the actual weight loss program Steps you will need to become a Member/Dieter. Before you can even start the Plan you must fill out a Health Status Intake Form that is reviewed by an ITG coach before you begin. You will then be contacted by one of our coaches to review your Health Status Intake Form to make sure that you can participate in the Plan. Please review the Contraindications to the Plan information before filling out the Health Status Intake Form. As a member you will have full access to all of the Steps to the Plan and to all of the support materials. We also have a 12 Step exercise module that you will find easy and fun to use. Each day you will be inputting information into your online food diary and each week filling out your weekly check in that will be automatically sent to your coach. We are here to help support you throughout your weight loss journey. We know it is not easy to make a total lifestyle change for you to be successful. Our coaches are readily available by phone or through email.
How do I find if there is an ITG Diet Clinic in my area?
Simply fill in your contact information and we’ll let you know if there is a clinic in your area. Our first goal is to support our dieters and the best support comes from a local clinic with personal accountability that will give you one on one interaction to help you become very successful in your journey.
What kind of support does an ITG Diet Clinic offer?
All ITG Diet Clinics have certified coaches to help you through your plan. They will give you the following:
- Personal explanation of the Plan
- Review of your Health Status Intake Form
- Goal setting, compliance
- Weekly weigh-ins and follow-up
- Weekly analysis of your food diary
- Weekly coaching and support
- Guidance through each Step of the Plan
- A positive attitude to succeed!
- All ITG Diet foods and supplements required for the Plan
What if there is not an ITG Diet Clinic near me? Can I do the plan?
Yes, if there is not an ITG Clinic near you then we do offer the ITG Diet online. However every new dieter must fill out the Health Status Intake Form before you start. A coach will review your information and if you do not qualify for the plan you may have to ask your primary care physician if you can participate in the plan. Most people are in good health and will be able to participate. As with any major change in your diet we recommend you to consult with your physician before starting any diet or weight loss program.
If there is not a clinic in my area will I receive support?
Yes, ITG provides you with valuable tools, support, and information that will help you with your weight loss journey. You’ll have an ITG Diet Coach assigned to you to assist you with meal planning, exercise, and motivation. You can access our coaches via the phone or through email. You will have a personal easy-to-use daily meal diary and weekly check-in module that you will fill in daily and weekly. You will also have access to all of the documents for you to go through all steps of the program along with a library of recipes, tips and more tools for your success. We even continue to support you when you are on your Step Three, Success for Life. Many of our dieters continue to talk to us for motivation and support. If you want to interact with other ITG dieters you may join our forum and share your success.
ITG Diet • Unit 56793, St. Petersburg, Florida 33732 • info@itgdiet.com